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Here is Volume 6, Number 6 of eNEWS.
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An update on issues important to
Idaho, the West, and our Nation
from U.S. Senator Larry Craig

craig.senate.gov/ enews March 22, 2007 Volume VI, Number 6

Farm Bill Due

As our nation's oldest industry, U.S. agriculture continues to face some very difficult changes and challenges. The latest Farm Bill, which originally became law in 2002 and expires this year, is key to successfully meeting these challenges head on.

Right now, Congress is discussing priorities and policies for the new Farm Bill which needs to be enacted this year. My goal is to represent Idaho agriculture's interest in the debate to ensure that needs and concerns of Idaho are considered as we update our national agricultural policies. That is why I have asked Idaho farmers and ranchers for input on how current programs are working for them and what changes they suggest. If you haven�t done so already, you can fill out a survey on my website to give me your comments

I don't expect major changes to U.S. farm policy, but one new program I will be pressing for is specialty crops legislation. This legislation takes a comprehensive approach to marketing, nutrition, trade, research, and other areas of U.S. specialty crop production to maintain their competitiveness in the global marketplace. As Congress moves forward on these critical issues, please know that I will continue working to ensure that Idaho farmers and ranchers have the tools to compete in an international marketplace.

my Ag Action Plan to learn more about what I am doing for Idaho
me discuss climate change with Al Gore
to my Farm Bill Survey and help shape this upcoming legislation
my Washington Report for an update on recent Senate activity

Do you agree with the D.C. Circuit Court that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms, rather than the collective state's right to arm a militia?

Subscribers are invited to access the online ballot from the emailed version of eNEWS.

On March 8, subscribers were asked:

Should the U.S. government continue to inject itself into agricultural markets in the name of protecting American farmers or should we allow market forces to work?

A) Yes    [38%, 197 votes]
B) No    [62%, 318 votes]

Kids Club Update

My Kids Club is a website for kids that features interesting tidbits about Idaho, our government and fun things to do when traveling in Washington, DC.

In the most recent update:

You probably know that Idaho leads the nation in potato production, but did you know Idaho is also the number one producer of trout? Or that Idaho ranks third in mint production? See other farm facts in my Kids Club.

In Idaho, women conquered much more than just the Western wilderness. Celebrate Women's History Month by meeting a few of these trailblazers.

More news from the U.S. Senate:

Craig Calls for Railroad Customer Equity -3/21/07
Craig, Feinstein Secure Emergency Funding for Secure Rural Schools -3/20/07
Bill Would Expand Minidoka National Historic Site -3/19/07
A Program for Wounded Warriors that is Working Well -3/19/07
Bipartisan Budget Language Inserted to Protect BPA Customers from Rate Hike -3/15/07
EDITORIAL: Celebrate Support for Second Amendment -3/15/07
Dorgan, Craig Introduce Energy Bill -3/14/07
D.C. Circuit Strikes Down D.C. Gun Laws -3/9/07

Current Event

March 20, 2007

I recently nominated several Idahoans to participate in the National Hispanic Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. Read more about this current event, and who made the trip from Idaho.

A Safe Place for our children

The well-being of our children has always been a number one priority in Idaho communities. The National Safe Place program has successfully provided a safe environment for children to go when they need help. To raise awareness of the program's success and recognize individuals who contribute their time and effort to the success of this program, I sponsored a resolution designating the week of March 12-17, 2007, as "National Safe Place Week."

Learn more about the program, including how you can volunteer to help in your local community.

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