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Here is Volume 6, Number 19 of eNEWS.
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An update on issues important to
Idaho, the West, and our Nation
from U.S. Senator Larry Craig

craig.senate.gov/ enews October 19, 2007 Volume VI, Number 19

Appropriate Appropriations

A lot has been said recently about wasteful spending in Washington. With the tax-and-spend policies of the Democratic majority—whose budget will increase spending by more than $600 billion and taxes by more than $700 billion—it's a fact that's hard to ignore. I believe taxpayers expect their elected representatives to be careful with how they spend their money.

That's why for the past 27 years, fiscal restraint has been one of my top priorities. My record speaks for itself. I've never voted for a tax increase, and the National Taxpayers Union found that had all the legislation I sponsored or cosponsored in the last Congress been passed, it would have resulted in a savings of $49 billion dollars. I'm proud of that record, and I will keep doing all I can to see that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely.

I will continue working to establish a fiscally responsible budget. But once the budget limits have been established, I will fight for Idaho priorities and projects that demonstrate they are fiscally responsible, cannot be accomplished without federal help, and benefit the nation as well as our State.

This week the Senate considered two important appropriations bills—the Commerce, Justice, and Science bill and the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education bill. Both of these bills contained federal assistance for projects important to Idaho, ranging from building a nursing facility to helping peace officers disseminate critical law enforcement information.

One project receiving funding that will make Idaho particularly proud is the Special Olympics World Winter Games. The largest multi-day winter sporting event ever held in the United States will be coming to Idaho in 2009. Idaho has a lot to do to get ready to host the world, and this funding will help ensure the success of the event and showcase our wonderful State.

my statement on the Special Olympics
my Fiscal Responsibility Issue Briefing
with your views on appropriations, fiscal responsibility or other topics.

Who is more worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, Al Gore or the troops fighting the War on Terror?

A) Al Gore

B) Troops fighting War on Terror

Subscribers are invited to access the online ballot from the emailed version of eNEWS.

On September 28, subscribers were asked:

Should the State Childrens' Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) be expanded to include some coverage for adults?

A) Yes    [37%, 278 votes]
B) No   [63%, 468 votes]

Open a window on Washington

My biweekly video digest features highlights of recent legislative activities with insights into what lies ahead on the agenda.

In the most recent update:

Senate considers improvements to veterans' care, clears appropriations bill for Commerce, Justice and Science, and discusses ban on taxing Internet access.

The Washington Report, 10/18/2007
[Streaming RealMedia]

I believe in the constitutional principles of limited federal government, free enterprise, private property and individual
liberty and

- Philosophy, Mission, and Goals
Senate Mission Statement by
Senator Larry Craig

More news from the U.S. Senate:

Craig Supports Vets' Health Care Proposals -10/17/07
More Idaho Projects Cleared in CJS Bill -10/17/07
DOE Loan Guarantee Program Will Bring Alternative Energy to Idaho -10/4/07
Idaho Defense Projects Clear the Senate -10/4/07

Current Event

Veterans Health Care Hearing

As a member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, I heard testimony recently on how to improve the health care our nation's veterans receive. Event Details

Regional Offices: at your service

My work in Washington, DC and the vast size of our State make it impossible for me to be everywhere at once. For that reason, I've set up six regional offices across the State.

If you are having problems with a federal agency, there are specialists in my regional offices who may be able to help resolve your problem. They are trained, competent, dedicated and authorized to act in my name in dealing with federal agencies. While I cannot guarantee the final outcome, I can ensure that your case is treated fairly and expeditiously.

For more information on what I and my regional offices can help you with, please visit the Constituent Services section of my website.

These offices are fully authorized to act on my behalf and are experts in problem resolution and constituent service.

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