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CONTACT: Press Office
Mikulski Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Israeli Independence

“I will continue to be a voice for Israel and a vote for Israel in the United States Senate.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today honored the 60th anniversary of Israeli independence with a tribute placed in the congressional record. Israel officially declared independence on May 14, 1948 (5 Iyar, 5708). Both the Senate and the House of Representatives unanimously passed resolutions (H. Con. Res. 322 and S. Res. 522) that recognize the 60th anniversary of Israel and reaffirm the bonds of close friendship and cooperation between Israel and the United States. The Senate version was introduced with the entire Senate signing on as cosponsors, and passed on April 22. The House version passed on April 23.

“On this anniversary, all friends of Israel should recommit ourselves to ensuring the survivability and viability of the State of Israel – now and forever. Our friendship is based on shared values, shared interests and strategic necessity,” said Senator Mikulski. “My support for Israel is unabashed and unwavering. I will continue to be a voice for the Israel and a vote for Israel in the United States Senate.

Senator Mikulski’s statement for the record is below:

“This month we are celebrating one of the greatest achievements of the twentieth century – the founding of the modern state of Israel.

“The story of Israel is unique. A people forced into exile, who endured centuries of persecution, rebuilt their ancient homeland. They forged a nation where they could practice their ancient faith and traditions. They created an open and free democratic society. And always, they offer a home to Jewish immigrants from around the world.

“The founding of Israel followed the most incomprehensible and evil event of the 20th century, when the Nazis – with the complicity of so many others – sought to exterminate a people. The survivors of the Holocaust helped to build modern Israel. Never again will the Jewish people be dependent on anyone else for their security.

“At first, Israelis envisioned an agrarian society. But today, Israel is a center for technology and science. American scientists and engineers are working as partners with Israelis to develop the innovations of the future. Our great federal laboratories, like the National Institutes of Health, are now working with Israeli scientists on a cure for cancer and other deadly diseases. Together, America and Israel are working toward a future that is safer, stronger and smarter.

“America’s relationship with Israel is also unique. We share common goals, values and interests. We stand by each other in good times and bad.

“Israel has had to endure many wars and live in constant readiness for battle. Israelis live with the constant threat of terrorism. Yet the people of Israel are strong and resolute. They are committed to building a safer and more peaceful future.

“On this anniversary, all friends of Israel should recommit ourselves to ensuring the survivability and viability of the State of Israel – now and forever. Our friendship is based on shared values, shared interests and strategic necessity. My support for Israel is unabashed and unwavering. I will continue to be a voice for Israel and a vote for Israel in the United States Senate.

“Mr. President, I salute the people of Israel as they celebrate 60 years of independence, and I look forward to a future of peace, prosperity and friendship.”

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