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John Culberson United States Congressman John Culberson 7th District of Texas
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My Voting Record


Dependence on foreign oil is a serious threat to our economy and national security. Congress should provide incentives for domestic oil production and promote alternative forms of energy.

        • Terrorists or hostile regimes could disrupt the supply of oil imports, which would cause a spike in the price of oil and potentially devastate the economy.

        • Congress should allow domestic oil companies to extract oil from ANWR and the outer continental shelf. Significant reserves exist in these regions and new technologies allow oil to be produced without polluting the environment or creating a large footprint.

        • Proposals to raise taxes on domestic energy companies will increase prices at the pump and expand our dependence on foreign oil.

        • It is vital to diversify energy sources and to promote alternative fuels such as clean nuclear power.

        • I am committed to preserving the environment. However, I want to ensure there is a reasonable balance between the environment and current economic realities.

        • All environmental regulations should take into account a cost benefit analysis. It is possible to have a strong economy while also preserving clean air and water resources.

Working to Make America Energy Independent , 7/17/08
A Bad Trade, 6/04/08
Congressman Culberson Votes Against Higher Energy Taxes, 2/28/08
The No Energy Bill, 12/21/07
Culberson Votes Against Higher Gas Prices and Energy Costs, 12/06/07

H.R. 6137 - To remove the additional tariff on ethanol
H.R. 6566 - American Energy Act
H.R. 6709 - National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act
H.R. 6107 - American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act
H.R. 6108 - Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2008
H.R. 6211 - Oil Shale Opportunity Act of 2008
H.R. 5656 - To repeal a requirement with respect to the procurement and acquisition of alternative fuels
H.R. 2784 - National Environment and Energy Development Act
H.R. 3089 - No More Excuses Energy Act
H.R. 5232 - To provide that no Federal or State requirement to increase energy efficient lighting in public buildings shall require a hospital, school, day care center, mental health facility, or nursing home to install or utilize such energy efficient lighting if the lighting contains mercury
H.R. 5616 - Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act, To provide for the repeal of the phase out of incandescent light bulbs unless the Comptroller General makes certain specific findings.

Rick Smalley's Energy Vision for 2050 - Using single walled carbon nanotubes spun into quantum wires

Look Up Houston’s Gas Prices By Location

Unlocking ANWR Exploration

Interview with World Energy CEO, Richard Loomis, Regarding America's Current Energy Issues

Help Reduce Demand for Gasoline by Following These Gas-Saving Tips


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