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The New York Times
December 30, 2001

What New Yorkers Want From Their Next Mayor
US Senator Charles E. Schumer

One of the first and most important things Mr. Bloomberg needs to do is marshal support for additional federal funding for New York from Washington, especially among Republican leaders. While the stream of Federal Emergency Management Agency funds -- which reimburse the city government for disaster-related expenses like the cleanup and rebuilding of the subways -- seems to be largely assured, lower Manhattan desperately needs new tax breaks to help existing businesses survive and to lure new ones, both large and small, below Canal Street.

There are also many nonprofit agencies, hospitals and individuals that were affected by the Sept. 11 attacks and need aid but are not eligible for assistance from FEMA. Mr. Bloomberg is clearly familiar with these issues and the city's needs. During his first month in office, he should meet with President George Bush, Speaker Dennis Hastert and House Whip Tom Delay, as well as Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott and Minority Whip Don Nickles, to persuade them of the urgency and immediacy of New York's cause.

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