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Senator Asks USDA To Assess Risk of Potential Agro-Bioterrorist Threat Stemming from Plum Island Animal Disease Research Laboratory , Take New Precautions, and Identify Legislative Actions Necessary to Help Ensure Security

US Senator Chuck Schumer today called on the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to conduct a full and immediate security overview of the USDA Animal Disease Research Laboratory on Plum Island (located in Long Island Sound, just off the coast of eastern Long Island), assess the risk of potential agro-bioterrorist threats stemming from the facility, and make all necessary security upgrades. Schumer also asked the USDA to identify any legislative actions necessary to help ensure Plum Island's continued security and report back to him.

"We live in a new world, and in that new world, we have to take precautions that may not have seemed quite as necessary before September 11," Schumer said. "We've assessed and stepped up security at our airports, at nuclear reactors, at sources for our water supply, and we've got to do the same for Plum Island. When you have a facility just off the coast of Long Island that handles lethal and rare animal diseases, you just can't take chances."

"We shouldn't be alarmist, be we should be vigilant," Schumer continued. "If the USDA's assessment shows that Plum Island is completely secure, then we'll all breathe a little easier, especially the thousands of residents who live just miles away. If the USDA's assessment shows there are steps we can take to make Plum Island more secure, then we'll know how to proceed. And if there are any steps I can take in the Senate to help make Plum Island more secure, I'll gladly do it. The key here is knowing the state of security at Plum Island and doing whatever it takes to make it as safe as possible. This is not an issue that merits leisurely review."

The Plum Island facility - known as the "Alcatraz for Animal Disease" - is used to develop vaccines and treatment protocols to respond to outbreaks of animal diseases to help protect the nation's food supply and livestock industry. As a result, many rare and dangerous diseases are stored on Plum Island, posing a potential security risk both to nearby residents and to food safety. The Plum Island facility is currently classified as Biosafety Level 3, meaning it handles infectious animal pathogens such as foot and mouth disease, African Swine Fever and West Nile Virus. The facility has forty animal rooms, and while normal security standards have been met, intensified community concerns over security as well as the backdrop of the last two months prompted Schumer's request to the USDA.

In a letter to Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, Schumer wrote, "I am writing today to request that the United States Department of Agriculture conduct a full and immediate security assessment of the Animal Disease Research Laboratory on Plum Island, examine the risk of potential agro- bioterrorist threats stemming from the facility, and immediately make all necessary security upgrades. I also request that you identify any legislative actions necessary to help ensure Plum Island's continued security and report them to me. "New York is proud to house a facility as critical to protecting the nation's food safety as the Laboratory on Plum Island, but in light of recent events, the idea that lethal animal diseases are stored on Plum Island for research purposes also makes many of us somewhat apprehensive."

"While none of us can predict how, when or where threats to our food supply might occur," Schumer continued, "we can prepare for such threats by ensuring that we have tools at the ready to meet and combat such threats."

"Since 1999, residents and community leaders have expressed grave concerns about security measures at PIADC," said Assemblywoman Patricia Acampora (R-Mattituck), who represents the North Fork area, including Plum Island. "Although we believe much progress has been made by USDA to improve its facilities and day to day operations, the events of September 11th demand that the necessary safeguards be put in place at Plum Island to protect our communities as well as our nations food supplies. The vital work conducted by researchers can provide the first line of defense against an agro-terrorist attack. As such, it is imperative that we protect this important facility. I am confident that with Senator Schumer's leadership and assistance, we will be able to ensure the safety of the public, and security of Plum Island so that it continues to be the nation's leading animal disease research center."

Schumer was joined by Assemblywoman Acampora and Dr. Roy Aranda, a leading terrorism expert from Hofstra University.

A copy of Schumer's letter to Veneman is attached.

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