United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller


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Global Climate Change

Carbon capture and sequestration is going to be the greatest research, technological and environmental challenge of the 21st century. Whether it's clean coal-to-liquid development or working to upgrade existing coal-fired plants to meet environmental standards, Senator Rockefeller has worked to make sure that the development of a carbon sequestration program must be a top federal priority.

Along with that investment, Senator Rockefeller is a staunch defender of measures to improve energy efficiency and expand conservation programs, to increase the use of alternative and renewable fuels, and to improve vehicle fuel efficiency. He strongly believes that the right energy policy for this country includes compliance with the most stringent environmental requirements attainable, and the development and deployment of new technologies to keep our environment clean even as our energy demand grows.