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The Daily Fact Sheet

Here are 10 ways that the Democrats’ “no energy” bill fails the American people at a time when real leadership on this issue is needed most:

  1. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill permanently locks up 80 percent of American energy on the Outer Continental Shelf
  2. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill permanently locks up more than 1 trillion barrels of oil from oil shale in the Inter-Mountain West.
  3. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill permanently locks up more than 10 billion barrels of oil on Alaska’s remote North Slope – an area where energy production and wildlife have been safely coexisting for decades.
  4. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill blocks more nuclear power production – clean, efficient, and less costly production that nations such as France have been safely using for years while the United States continues to fall behind.
  5. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill does nothing to construct new clean coal energy production facilities – facilities that are a win-win, with benefits both to consumers and for the environment.
  6. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill raises taxes – a new burden for overstressed consumers already paying high prices at the pump and preparing to pay higher home heating costs this winter.
  7. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill permanently prevents federal agencies from using unconventional and alternative sources of fuel at exactly the time when Congress should be encouraging the use of these fuels.
  8. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill increases electricity costs on families, seniors, and small businesses by creating a new, heavy-handed electricity mandate.
  9. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill includes plans for exactly zero new refineries to be built on American soil.  Is this the way to show our competitors around the globe that we are finally serious about achieving energy independence?
  10. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill defies the will of a solid majority of Americans who support the House GOP’s “all of the above” plan to increase American energy production, promote the use of alternative and renewable fuels, and encourage more conservation and efficiency

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Click here to read a letter from Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA) to Rep. David Obey (D-WI) on the need for action on the Interior Appropriations bill.

House Republican Energy Solutions
Increase production
with American-made energy
Clean, reliable energy
using innovative technology
Increase supply
by cutting red tape
Encourage Efficiency
by offering tax incentives