Letters to the Editor

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Letter: Taxes, energy are on minds
Aug 30, 2008  - The election year has brought out the best fiction writers. ... One writer said that electing Democrats would not increase our taxes. It seems that it has in the past, and we already have seen it from our Legislature, including the increase in our gas tax at a time when gas prices have never been h... More

Congress should take a permanent vacation
Aug 8, 2008  - Somehow the Democrat-controlled Congress still has a 9 percent approval rating. It is certainly amazing it is that high, and were it up to me, it would be negative numbers.  Even more amazing is their arrogant disregard for the plight of the hardworking Americans who are feeling the pressure o... More

Oil Prices: Speculating on Supplies
Jul 25, 2008  - Every day I read people's comments on how U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann's plan to lower gas prices by increasing our domestic output is a fantasy and isn't based in reality. Does anyone else see a correlation in the recent drop in oil prices and President Bush's reversal on the moratorium on new explo... More

Letter writers should check their facts
Jul 9, 2008  - A recent letter taking U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann to task for voodoo economics might require further investigation by the author. Just having finished reading Thomas Sowell's book "Economic Facts and Fallacies," I would be remiss not to point out some of the fallacies of the author's critique. ... More

We need more like Bachmann in Congress
Jul 6, 2008  - In response to the July 1 Times Our View regarding Rep. Michele Bachmann’s in-laws’ farm receiving government subsidies, a few thoughts come to mind. The Our View reports that her husband’s family’s farm in Independence, Wis., received government payments in 2006 and 2007, and that Bachmann or ... More

LTE: All pieces in play
Jun 27, 2008  - The Pioneer Press (June 17) had two articles defining the position of the political parties regarding energy: Rep. Michele Bachmann's support for legislation allowing drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and off-shore, and Sen. John McCain's support for off-shore drilling. Presiden... More

LTE: Contrary to recent letters, Bachmann is on the money
Jun 27, 2008  - In Jim McKinney's recent letter regarding U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann's view point on the high cost of energy, he claims that her letter is "filled with misstatement and half truths." Is McKinney trying to tell us that shale oil is too cost prohibitive when Canada is processing it and shipping it to ... More

LTE: Worth a try
Jun 23, 2008  - I do not know if Rep. Michele Bachmann's plan to get gasoline prices down to $2 per gallon will work or not ("Bachmann says $2 gas is achievable," June 17). The steps sound logical. The only way to find out is to put the plan into action and start doing something. Most of her critics are from the ... More

LTE: Countering the zealots
Jun 20, 2008  - The writer ("Investing in energy," June 18) takes great joy in knocking Rep. Michele Bachmann's announcement about taking positive steps to bring some relief to our very significant energy crisis. Unfortunately, this type of attack does nothing to advance the need for relaxation of stifling regula... More

LTE: Bachmann's energy stance makes sense
Jun 17, 2008  - The United States is doing itself a great disservice by not exploring the resources we have domestically to confront this energy crisis. As the cost of gas in Minnesota hits $4 per gallon, can your wallet take the hit? Thank goodness my Congresswoman, Rep. Michele Bachmann, has a level head on her ... More

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