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Protecting our Heritage and Investing in Our Future Economy

Growing up on the Sieben Ranch built by my great-grandfather outside of Helena, I came by my dedication to Montana's agriculture issues naturally. Working alongside my family, I gained first-hand experience of the hard work and dedication that ranching requires. That's where I learned the Montana values of hard work, honesty, and integrity. Those are the values I take to work with me every day.

Throughout my years of public service, I've made it a top priority to expand the opportunities available to Montana's farmers and ranchers. Montana's producers and rural communities are the backbone of our state's economy and I'll continue to use my seniority and leadership in the Senate and on the Agriculture Committee to provide producers with the support they deserve and need.

As Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over taxes, I work with the ranking minority member, Senator Chuck Grassley, to pass tax provisions that allow you to get more of your hard earned money back at the end of the year. I have also worked to provide tax incentives that benefit farmers and ranchers nationwide.

I am concerned that the next generation of farmers and ranchers are not returning to our Montana farms and ranches. As I travel the state and visit producers this is one rural Montana’s greatest concerns. To sustain the future of agriculture, we need more young farmers and ranchers, as well as their enthusiasm and ideas.  Without them, our rural schools, businesses and communities will to wither away. I will continue to do all I can so that our Montana’s next generation of producers return to our rural communities.