Jim DeMint
U.S. Senator, South Carolina
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DeMint Discusses Defense Authorization Amendment
Posted by Jim's Staff 09/17/2008 - 01:49:17 PM
Earlier today on the Senate floor, Sen. DeMint discussed the importance of an amendment he would like to offer to the 2009 Defense Authorization bill and explained why earmarks contained therein should not be given the force of law.

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It’s Time to Enlarge NATO
Posted by Senator Jim DeMint 09/11/2008 - 11:42:36 AM
Next April, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which was formed in the wake of the Berlin Airlift to counter the threat of Soviet aggression in Europe. In 1949, NATO began with 12 nations wanting to create a more secure and stable Europe. Over the last 60 years, NATO has continually expanded from Spain to Germany to several former Soviet Republics. Today 26 countries are members of the alliance.
And despite the end of the Cold War, NATO is just as important today. The threat of terrorism in Europe, and Russia’s recent invasion of Georgia, serves as a stark reminder of the need for collective security among Europe’s democracies. Nations such as Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Ukraine, and Georgia crave the security guarantees that NATO membership offers.

We have witnessed the benefits of NATO expansion and the vitality new members bring to the alliance. The most recent members of NATO have been some of the most powerful voices and strongest leaders in defense of Europe’s interests and willingness to confront emerging threats and challenges. Several months ago, the Czech Republic agreed to house a missile defense system radar, and last month, Poland signed an agreement to base the interceptor missiles needed to shoot down any ballistic missiles aimed at the Europe or the United States. Both of these countries joined NATO less than 10 years ago, but are also some of the strongest supporters of the War on Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq...
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A Missile Shield for Europe and North America
Posted by Senator Jim DeMint 06/19/2008 - 03:59:14 PM
Despite years of diplomacy, rogue nations like Iran and North Korea continue to pursue intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Fortunately, the Bush Administration, and some in Congress, has kept up the fight for a missile defense system to protect North America and Europe from the threat of nuclear attack. Using a series of sea and land-based radars and missile interceptors, the United States has a fledgling capability to defend North America from the nuclear arsenal North Korea is developing.

Unfortunately, this West Coast-based missile defense system does not protect the U.S. or our allies from an Iranian ICBM threat. At a recent NATO summit, President Bush and our partners agreed to a Ballistic Missile Defense System in Europe. The system would include radars based in the Czech Republic and missile interceptors deployed in Poland with a mobile radar station located closer to the Middle East.

While Iran may not currently have the ability to reach the U.S. with a ballistic missile, Iran can reach parts of Europe. Waiting until Iran has the capability to reach any peaceful, democratic nation would simply be foolish. And by basing the radars and the interceptor missiles in Central Europe, the U.S. can bring Europe under the protective umbrella of missile defense and reduce the threat a rogue regime like Iran poses to Europe...
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Berkeley Marine Thanks DeMint for His Support
Posted by Jim's Staff 05/14/2008 - 02:34:01 PM
Lt. Ho and Sen. DeMint

On his last day in Washington, D.C., having completed an internship in the White House Counsel's office, 2nd Lt. Yuwynn Ho, a U.S. Marine recruited in Berkeley, Calif., stops by to thank Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) for his support of the Marine Corps as the original sponsor of the "Semper Fi Act"...
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Bucharest: An Important Crossroad for NATO
Posted by Senator Jim DeMint 04/07/2008 - 04:09:12 PM
Last week, the leaders of the nations that comprise the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) held a three-day summit in Bucharest, Romania. NATO was created to defend Europe against Soviet invasion, and while NATO’s core mission is still to ensure European security, today the organization is also focused on expanding freedom and stability in Eastern Europe, Afghanistan and parts of Africa.

Three very important issues headlined the Bucharest Summit: NATO’s involvement in Afghanistan, the extension of membership to former Soviet bloc nations and NATO’s approval of missile defense.

At the summit, NATO reconfirmed its long-term commitment to Afghanistan. Afghanistan is the first military engagement outside Europe’s boundaries and success in Afghanistan is critical to the future of NATO. Europe has experienced more terrorist attacks than the United States and the threat of Islamic extremism throughout Europe is just as large as the risk to America. Al Qaeda poses a real threat to the democratic governments of the North Atlantic Treaty and the will of NATO to fight this enemy must remain strong. I was especially pleased to hear that France will contribute large units to the fight and that other nations will also contribute additional forces.
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DeMint Speech on Iraq:
We Must Continue to Support Our Troops
Posted by Jim's Staff 03/03/2008 - 02:01:10 PM
Last Wednesday, Sen. DeMint gave a powerful speech on the Senate floor about his recent trip to Iraq and Afghanistan in which he explained the current situation and reiterated the need to continue to support our troops as they support us.

Part 1

Part 2

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DeMint Promises to Continue to Fight for Marines
Posted by Jim's Staff 02/25/2008 - 05:57:40 PM
During a speech on the Senate floor today, Sen. DeMint promised the Marines and their families that he would continue to push for a vote on the Semper Fi Act:

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DeMint on Iraq Trip: Visible Progress Being Made, Political Process Moving Forward
Posted by Jim's Staff 02/22/2008 - 01:21:44 PM
I recently returned from Iraq, where I spent a lot of time on the ground with Iraqis and proud South Carolinians that continue to do the hard work of providing people with freedom. There is a noticeable difference between today and my last visit to Iraq in 2005.

DeMint in Iraq

Without a doubt the surge has worked. I walked down the main street of a town south of Baghdad that three months ago was a major supply line for insurgents. Today, the Iraqi Army and concerned local citizens control the town and children run around with smiles on their face. Tribal Sheykhs ‘Ali and Mahir showed me around and introduced me to the people of their town. Later that day I met with U.S. Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker to discuss the security situation in Iraq and the path forward.

I was also please to learn that the political process in Iraq is moving forward. This past week the Iraqi parliament passed an amnesty law, provincial powers law and a budget for 2008. These are positive steps to foster reconciliation and make their government more transparent and accountable.

Thanks to the brave work of our men and women in uniform, Iraq has an opportunity to become a proud and sovereign nation. However, Iraq is still at a crossroad and can go in either direction. For this reason, it is vital the United States maintains it commitment to Iraq and the Iraqis that told me they want to be free.
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Democrat Inaction Could Force 200,000 Military Layoffs, Earmarks Diverting Scarce Defense Funds to Wasteful Pet Projects
Posted by Jim's Staff 12/03/2007 - 11:42:29 AM
As Democrats have spent their first year in control of Congress on political votes to appease the anti-war left, they have failed to provide critical funding for U.S. military fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Department of Defense has announced they will be forced to make serious cuts and begin layoffs of 200,000 civilian jobs to redirect funds to protect troops in the field:
• Bush, who was accompanied by Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, also reiterated Pentagon complaints that failure to pass his almost $200 billion war funding request for the fiscal year that began Oct. 1 means the services will have to begin draining their normal annual operations and maintenance funds to pay for war operations.

• Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Nov. 21 that if a spending bill is not passed, the Army and Marine Corps will run out of money for the wars by mid-February and mid-March, respectively, and the furlough of as many as 200,000 civilian and contract workers could begin a few weeks into January.

• On Nov. 26, Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Richard Cody issued a memo ordering commanders to prepare plans for widespread layoffs of civilian personnel should funding not materialize, telling them to assume that all operations and maintenance funds “will be fully obligated or committed” on or about Feb. 22.
Instead of making men and women in uniform a priority, Democrats have instead been more focused on stuffing billions of dollars of wasteful pork projects into spending bills. The Fiscal Year 2008 Democrat appropriations bills include $24.7 billion in pork barrel spending on more than 12,000 earmarks. Analyst Brian Riedl of the nonpartisan Heritage Foundation recently wrote that these individual earmarks are taking scarce funding that could be better spent on troops in the field:
• "[A]n earmark diverting $3 million of the defense budget into encouraging youth golf ... could have purchased full body armor, helmets and night-vision goggles for 172 American troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan."

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