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Akaka Commends Senate Passage of Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill

Bill funds Chairman Akaka's priorities

September 6, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Chairman of the Veterans' Affairs Committee and Chairman of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, applauded the Senate's passage of the Military Construction and VA Appropriations Act.  The bill represents the largest increase in funding for veterans' health care in the history of the United States, and includes money specifically for the treatment of traumatic brain injury and "invisible" mental wounds.  The bill also funds critical repairs to military facilities and new construction for the National Guard and Reserve to support their expanded role in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Senator Akaka's Senate floor statement in support of the bill is attached below:  

     Mr. President, I express my strong support for the level of funding provided for the Department of Veterans Affairs in the pending Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2008.  I also take this opportunity to congratulate Senators Reed, Byrd, and the other members of the Committee for their hard work on this measure.  

     This bill truly reflects our commitment to fully fund veterans'  health care and benefits.  Indeed, the bill before us closely tracks the level of funding recommended by the Veterans' Affairs Committee in our Views and Estimates to the Budget Committee.  This legislation would provide a $6.5 billion increase for VA health care over last year, $3.6 billion more than the President requested.  This represents the largest increase in funding ever for VA health care.  I am very pleased that there are additional funds included in this amount for the treatment of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and for VA mental health programs, to treat the "invisible wounds" that many veterans suffer from after serving in combat.  These are two areas of vital importance to servicemembers returning from Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom. 

     I also thank the Military Construction-VA Appropriations Subcommittee members for their support of the VA Office of Inspector General.  The $16 million increase for the OIG will enable that office to continue conducting extremely valuable oversight of VA.  The VA Inspector General has consistently been vitally important to the Veterans' Affairs Committee in the execution of our oversight responsibilities.  The OIG is the central gear in VA's internal controls and quality assurance mechanism. 

     I would like to take this opportunity to raise the issue of Priority 8 so-called "middle-income" veterans and their current exclusion from the VA health care system.  The Majority Members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee, in our Views and Estimates, endorsed re-opening enrollment to these veterans.  That recommendation was followed.  The omnibus health care authorization bill recently reported out by the Veterans' Affairs Committee contains a provision that would allow these veterans back into VA.  We would fully allow the VA Secretary to close enrollment off at any time.  It is my view that adequate funding to re-open enrollment exists.

     I want to also express my strong support for the $21.5 billion in funding for military construction projects included in this bill.  This bill fully funds the Administration's  request for BRAC and the President's "Grow the Force" initiative.  It also includes the much needed funding necessary to repair and maintain the military facilities that are so critically important to the readiness and well-being of the armed forces.  I am particularly in support of the bill's inclusion of $929 million for National Guard and Reserve construction.  We have asked our National Guard and Reserve troops to commit significant sacrifices for this nation and we should be prepared to provide these brave men and women the support they need to fulfill their duties. 

     I thank Senator Reed and the other Subcommittee members for their work on this bill, and for sending the right message to our both our Nation's veterans and those currently serving.  We have made a commitment to providing support both before and after active service, and this measure honors that commitment.  I urge my colleagues to support swift passage of the legislation before us today.  Thank you, Mr. President.

Year: 2008 , [2007] , 2006 , 2005 , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 , 1999 , 1900

September 2007

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