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Senator says it’s time for Iraqis to determine their own destiny

February 17, 2007

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka today voted to allow the U.S. Senate to consider a resolution criticizing President George W. Bush's plan to send more than 20,000 additional U.S. troops into Iraq, during a rare Saturday session of the U.S. Senate. Sixty votes were needed to consider the nonbinding resolution opposing the plan. The vote was 56-34.

"Although we missed an opportunity to formally rebuke the President's misguided plan to escalate the war in Iraq, the message we sent is clear," says Senator Akaka. "The President's plan to put more soldiers in harm's way will not bring victory in Iraq. It's time for the Iraqi government to govern and time for Iraqi troops to protect the Iraqi people."

"I support our brave men and women in the Armed Forces. I commend them and their families for the sacrifices that they have made in an effort to insure democracy and peace throughout the world. Without question our men and women in the Armed Forces serve our nation honorably and without reserve," says Akaka. "They are not responsible for defining their mission. It is time for Congress to do its duty and begin bringing our troops home."

"This is not the end," says Akaka. "We will continue to press the President to change our course in Iraq."

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February 2007

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