Senior Letter - February 2008

February 2008

Dear Seniors:

As Americans live longer and healthier lives, many are also planning to work longer. According to some estimates, as much as 80 percent of the baby boom generation expects to work well into what is considered traditional retirement age. Some may do so because they enjoy the physical benefits and camaraderie that can exist in a work atmosphere while others may need the additional income to remain financially secure. A one-size-fits-all retirement no longer matches the diverse plans that seniors have for their later years.

Our own Boston College maintains a Research Center on Aging and Work. On its website, the Center sites a recent survey conducted by the AARP entitled, Attitudes of Individuals 50 and Older Toward Phased Retirement that found that, “...the desire to stay mentally active (72%) and the desire to remain productive and useful (71%) were the issues most frequently identified by workers 66+ as major reasons for working in retirement.”

In the Commonwealth, through federal funding under Title V of the Older Americans Act, we have the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) for those who are interested in re-entering the workforce. As a longstanding member of the House Education and Labor Committee, I am deeply committed to upholding the ideals of the Older Americans Act and have consistently supported the important workforce programs made possible by the law. This particular program helps low-income individuals, who are 55 years of age and older, to utilize their current skills while learning new ones for further gainful employment opportunities.

The program objectives include:

  • Gaining valuable new skills and enhancing the abilities of enrollees
  • Increasing job opportunities for enrollee's in the private sector
  • Changing stereotypes about individuals 55 and older through public education and demonstrated success
  • Assisting enrollees with developing job search skills
  • Enrolling in One Stop systems, which provide valuable job counseling, job search training and resume assistance
  • Referrals to support services as needed

If you are interested in the Senior Community Service Employment Program you may contact Susan Jepson, Program Manager – Essex & Middlesex County at (617) 542-4180 or via email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Also, as always, please feel free to call Cheryl Gresek in my Peabody office at (978) 531-1669 if you have any further questions.


John F. Tierney
Member of Congress