Tierney Presses for Public Financing Reform

WASHINGTON, DC- Congressman John Tierney (D-MA) in the midst of debate over new ethics proposals, which he vigorously supports, pressed for further reform through his Clean Money Clean Elections Act (CMCE). The bill would allow qualified candidates to receive campaign financing from a public fund instead of from lobbyists and other special interests.

This Democrat-led House is working to take America in a new direction. The reforms we are working on today are part of the pact we made with the American people and my bipartisan legislation supporting public financing is another key component to restoring public confidence in the congressional elections process,” said Congressman Tierney.

The legislation, known as the Clean Money, Clean Elections Act in the House where it is co-sponsored by Congressmen Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and Todd Russell Platts (R-PA) and the Fair Elections Now Act in the Senate where U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Arlen Specter (R-PA) have sponsored a counter-part, would free participating candidates from the deeply flawed campaign fundraising system that currently overwhelms the entire election process. Candidates could instead devote their time and energy to talking with their constituents about the issues that are important to them.

The Clean Money, Clean Elections Act was one of the first pieces of legislation I introduced upon coming to Congress in 1997. Today, we can proudly boast, a new freshman class of Democrats who have vowed to support legislation for public financing and a first ever Senate counterpart. The lobbying reform provisions we are working today are critical, if for no other reason than the momentum of change which is moving legislators towards CMCE. We owe the American people an electoral system that is truly accountable to them - not to corporate campaign donors and special interest groups,” said Congressman John F. Tierney at the press conference.

The bill is a voluntary system and gives candidates an option to forego private funding without having to “unilaterally disarm” and includes reduced rates on broadcast advertisement.

Tierney concluded, “I look forward to advancing this bipartisan, bicameral effort in the 110th Congress. It is my hope that, together, we can finally make public financing of congressional elections a reality.”
