Chairman Tierney Lauds Passage of Wounded Warriors Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Following Chairman John F. Tierney’s (D-MA) March 5, 2007 National Security and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee field hearing, “Is This Any Way To Treat Our Troops? The Care and Condition of Wounded Soldiers at Walter Reed,” House colleagues responded to the problems brought to light at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other military health care facilities by introducing the H.R. 1538, the Wounded Warrior Assistance Act. This act focuses attention on meeting the needs of the thousands of service members being wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan who are returning home for care.

This bill addresses cores issues of concern raised by the witnesses at our hearing. Staff Sergeant Shannon, for example, recounted unbelievable tales of delay and neglect that were, in large part, due to shortages in advocate staffing. Far too often, soldiers at Walter Reed waited months, if not years, in limbo, and they have to navigate through broken administrative processes and layers upon layers of bureaucracy to get basic tasks accomplished. ” said Congressman John F. Tierney.

This bipartisan bill includes provisions to help: 1) improve the access to quality medical care for wounded service members who are outpatients at military health care facilities; 2) begin the process of restoring the integrity and efficiency of the disability evaluation system and taking other steps to cut bureaucratic red-tape; and 3) improve the transition of wounded service members from the Armed Forces to the VA system.

Passage of the Wounded Warriors Assistance Act is a positive step on the path to redeeming this injustice, but it doesn’t solve all of the problems. My Subcommittee will shortly hold another public hearing to learn what Pentagon officials have done over the past 45 days to fix problems at Walter Reed and other Army facilities, and I will continue to hold feet to the fire until all problems are corrected,” concluded Tierney.

The House passed the bill by a vote of 426 to 0.

