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Ranking Member Akaka Praises Bipartisan Effort to Fund Veterans Health Care

June 29, 2005

Washington, D.C. -- Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs praised the efforts of his colleagues on working together in bipartisan fashion to fund veterans health care and prevent a major funding train wreck. Today's unanimous vote provides a $1.5 billion emergency supplemental for the Department of Veterans' Affairs.

"Our bipartisan effort proves that veterans are not victims of political warfare," said Senator Akaka. "We need to seize upon this moment and continue to work together to ensure that the money comes to fruition. And more importantly we must avoid this in the future."

"The Adminstration cannot ignore signs of financial troubles in VA. The warning signs were there at the beginning of this year. VA nurses and doctors and veterans gave these warnings. VA must be more forthcoming with a true picture of its fiscal situation."

Senator Akaka's floor statements on veterans health care can be viewed on his Web site at

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June 2005

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