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The Alias Among Us: The Homeland Security and Terrorism from Document Fraud, Identity Theft and Social Security Number Misuse

September 9, 2003, at 10:00 a.m., in G5oirksen Senate Office Building


Member Statements:
Charles Grassley, IA
Max Baucus, MT


Witness Statements:
Panel I

A prisoner who has pleaded quilty to federal fraud charges (tentative)
A federal official involved in a terrorism and document fraud case.

Panel II

The Honorable Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC

Robert Cramer, Managing Director, Office of Special Investigations, accompanied by John Cooney, Assistant Director, Office of Special Investigations, and Ron Malfi, Director, Office of Special Investigations, U.S. General Accounting Office, Washington, DC

The Honorable James Lockhart, Deputy Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD

John S. Pistole, Acting Assistant Director, Counter terrorism Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, DC

Patrick O'Carroll, Assistant Inspector General for Investigations, Office of Inspector General, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD

Panel III

Linda R. Lewis, President and Chief Executive officer, Chief Executive Officer, American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, Arlington, VA

Robert Douglas, Chief Executive Officer, American Privacy Consultants, Oak Creek, CO




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