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An Examination of U.S. Tax Policy and Its Effect on the Domestic and International Competitiveness of U.S.- Based Operations

July 8, 2003, at 10:00 a.m. in 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Member Statements:
Charles Grassley, IA
Max Baucus, MT

Witness Statements:

Panel I

Dr. Robert Hall, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

Ms. Kathryn Kobe, Vice President, Joel Popkin and Company, Washington, DC

Mr. William Barrett, Vice President, Tax and Trade, Applied Materials, Inc., Santa Clara, CA

Mr. James Berges, President, Emerson Electric, St. Louis, MO

Coalition For American Manufacturing Jobs
Technical Explanation

Ms. Thea Lee, Chief International Economist, AFL-CIO, Washington, DC

Panel II

Mr. Mark Russell, Vice President, Tax Electrolux Home Products, Cleveland, OH

Mr. Alex Spitzer, Vice President, Nestle Holdings, Norwalk, CT



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