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2008 District-by-District AMT Projections
Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008
Information on Extending Unemployment Benefits
Request for Written Comments on Additional Miscellaneous Tariff and Duty Suspension Bills
Tax Legislation in the 110th Congress
H.R. 5140, the "Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act of 2008"
  WMCP: 108-6, 2004 Green Book


(As published in April 2004, unless otherwise noted)

Advisory Announcing Release of the Green Book 2004
Letter of Transmittal and Preface
Section 1 Social Security: The Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Programs
Section 2 Medicare
Section 3 Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Section 4 Unemployment Compensation
Section 5 Earned Entitlements for Railroad Employees
Section 6 Trade Adjustment Assistance
Section 7 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Section 8 Child Support Enforcement Program
Section 9 Child Care
Section 10 Title XX – Social Services Block Grant Program
Section 11 Child Protection, Foster Care, and Adoption Assistance
Section 12 Social Welfare Programs in the Territories (Updated April 30, 2004)
Section 13 Tax Provisions Related to Retirement, Health, Poverty, Employment, Disability, and Other Social Issues
Section 14 The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Section 15 Other Programs
Food Stamp Program
State Children`s Health Insurance Program
Federal Housing Assistance
School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) (
Child and Adult Food Care Program
Workforce Investment Act
Head Start
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Veterans Benefits and Services
Workers` Compensation
Appendix A Data on the Elderly
Appendix B Health Status and Expenditures of the Elderly, and Background Data on Long-Term Care
Appendix C National and International Health Care Expenditures and Health Insurance Coverage
Appendix D Medicare Payment Policies
Appendix E Medicare + Choice
Appendix F Data on Employment, Earnings, and Unemployment
Appendix G Data on Families
Appendix H Data on Poverty
Appendix I Budget Tables
Appendix J Welfare Benefits for Noncitizens
Appendix K Spending for Income-Tested Benefits, Fiscal Years 1968-2002
Appendix L Assessing the Effects of Welfare Reform Initiatives
Appendix M Data on Nonmarital Births to Adults and Teenagers and Federal Strategies to Reduce Nonmarital Pregnancies

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