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Contact: Ashley Tanks 770.210.5073

Congressman Scott Votes to Stand Up For America’s Children

Washington, Jan 23 -

Congressman David Scott voted today to support the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), better known in Georgia as PeachCare, and to override the President’s veto of bipartisan legislation to extend health care coverage to 10 million uninsured children across America.  Last year 343,690 children in Georgia received health care through PeachCare, and the bipartisan plan vetoed by the President would have extended health care to 161,000 uninsured children currently in Georgia.

“America is experiencing an economic downturn, with families struggling to keep up with the rising costs of gasoline, heat, food and heath care,” said Representative Scott.  “Now more than ever this program is critical, and I cannot rest until this Congress succeeds in enacting a plan that will ensure that 10 million uninsured children across America have health care coverage.”

Additionally, a series of recent polls indicated overwhelming public support for SCHIP, with as much as 81 percent of the country backing the bipartisan Congressional plan.

The existing SCHIP program was extended in December until March 2009; however, without this legislation, 3.8 million additional low-income children who are eligible but not enrolled will now not be covered under the program.  In addition, state budget shortfalls and administrative rules from President Bush have also put children who are currently covered in jeopardy of losing their health care coverage.  Congressman Scott vowed to continue to fight in Washington to enact legislation to provide health care for 10 million children this year.                                                                                                                                                                                                   


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