DHL urged to discuss terms with ABX, ASTAR

June 20, 2008

Source: Wilmington News Journal


Ohio legislators have called on DHL’s German-owned parent company to hold talks and discuss terms with ABX Air and ASTAR Air Cargo on the airlines’ proposals to remain DHL’s air carriers in the United States.

The June 16 letter, signed by both of Ohio’s U.S. senators plus eight Ohio members of Congress, presses Deutsche Post World Net (DPWN) in the final paragraph to give “genuine consideration” to proposals from current carriers ABX and ASTAR.

DPWN announced in late May it plans to contract with United Parcel Service (UPS) as the lone air carrier to transport DHL packages in North America. If the plan is carried out, it’s expected to directly cause the loss of at least 7,000 jobs at the Wilmington Air Park where ABX and ASTAR are based.

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