Iraq Troop Surge Resolution

Bush Strategy

  • Don’t withdraw
  • Don’t cut off funds for troops
  • Surge

Inglis Strategy

  • Don’t withdraw
  • Don’t cut off funds for troops
  • Instead of surging . . .

Put Iraqi leadership on timetable for:
    • Fair division of oil revenue
    • Allowing banned Baath Party members back into positions of public trust
     (government agencies, school teachers, firemen, etc.)
    • Developing working model of pluralism
• Establish clear rewards
and consequences for success
or failure in meeting timetable.


Inglis made the following floor statement on the surge on February 15, 2007:

I wish to address three questions here on the Floor today:

Where are we?

Where do we want to be?

How do we get there? . . .more

A media release dated January 9, 2007
A media release dated February 15, 2007
Video: Inglis on Iraq resolution (February 16, 2007)
WYFF News 4 Interview with Rep. Bob Inglis (February 16, 2007)

Freedom's Children and the Work of Significance in Iraq


This is a series of articles describing a congressional delegation trip to Iraq between Feb. 24-28, 2005, by Sens. Jim DeMint (SC), Sam Brownback (KS), and Reps. Rob Portman (OH-2) and Bob Inglis (SC-4).
Day 1     Day 2       Day 3      Day 4


Larry R. Jackson (3/24/07)

I am disappointed in your vote against the troop surge. In my opinion, our troops have been ill equipped and under manned which has had a major impact on the number of casualties. Don't talk to me about supporting our troops. Your voting record says enough. Your vote sends the wrong message to the terrorists. You may think this will be all forgotten by the time of the next election. Well, I still haven't forgoten your vote on the free trade act that eliminated tens of thousands of jobs, and when it comes time to cast my vote, I won't forget your abandonment of our service men and women.

Pete Tintle (3/6/07)

Stand up for your decision Not to Surge. That decision takes courage. Commandment Number 6: Thou Shalt Not Kill. Remind your constituents of that simple commandment. Not to mention the Golden Rule: Love thy neighbor as thyself. Being a Christian is simple but it is not easy. This war was supposed to be part of a war on terror (Iraq had no part in 911) and to root out weapons of mass destruction (MWD's). Then to oust Saddam Hussein, mission accomplished! We need to build America not continue to sacrifice more American lives in Iraq. We need truth in leadership and leaders such as yourself you represent true American and family values not persist in the Wrong War for the Wrong Reason.

Chantal Patton (3/1/07)

I am writing to thank you for your vote on the "surge" resolution, although I am not sure whether your ideas for resolving the mess in Iraq are realistic. Ultimately, Iraqis have to make decisions for themselves.

William F. Youmans (2/28/07)

Thank you for your common sense and courageous vote on the Surge Resolution.

George Gunter (2/27/07)

Thank you for the stand you took on the Iraqi Occupation. I wish more would vote their hearts and not the party line. I agree with your stand...we have got to let the people of Iraq know that they have to take control of their destiny. Mr Inglis, I have not been a supporter of this occupation, nor was I a supporter of the war. We won the war. The occupation is a different story. I just wish the American people could distinguish between the two. Funny...I have lived here all my life, yet i am always surprised by the backwards thinking of so many of the people who live here. I blame it on lack of education. Ignorent people make unwise decisions. Your decision to vote against the surge was correct...perhaps not politically correct, but morally correct. Thank you for doing the right thing.

Betty Braun (2/26/07)

Sorry this is so late but I read some of the reaction in the newspaper (both the town meeting and the cartoon). I respect your vote despite the reaction. I recognize that this vote had no legislative strength but it showed where you stand and I appreciate your voting your conscience. Keep it up.

Will Schilling (2/23/07)

Thank you Rep. Inglis for representing the views of the majority of Americans. Take comfort that your vote is in step with mainstream America and the Iraq Study Group (whose bipartisan recommendations were ignored in the troop surge plan). Yours is a vote for reason, democracy, and concern for the well being of US troops. Your vote is much appreciated and I salute you for your courage and integrity!

Scott Enright (2/22/07)

I admire a politician who is not afraid to make a decision unpopular with his base. Your approach seems well thought out and the lesser of the two evils on the table. But hey, that's just my gut reaction.

Juliet Wright (2/22/07)

As a member of the Republican party, I am disappointed that you have chosen to break ranks on this issue. You are a representative of South Carolina, and I do believe that the majority of citizens within your district have a different point of view on this issue. This resolution is nothing more than a nose thumbing at Bush. Even if you personally agree with the sentiment, your first duty is to your constituency. In the future I ask that you give more careful consideration to the preferences of your district.

Noah Jacobs (2/22/07)

I would like to thank you for voting for the resolution to oppose the troop escalation in Iraq. This is, truly, what it means to "support the troops." You understand this. I must say your decision suprised me, but I was delighted to see your name among sixteen others in the Republican party who are willing to publically state that it would be morally irreprehensible to send more American soldiers, more American kids, to referee what has become a civil war.

Jan Finley (2/21/07)

I just wanted to thank you for voting against the "surge" resolution. It obviously a lot of courage, and as your constiuent, I am very proud of you.

Robert Perrin (2/21/07)

Just a brief heads up to let you know I support you in your vote last week vis-a-vis opposing President Bush's "surge" in troop deployment in Iraq. Unfortunately, critics writing to the Spartanburg Herald-Journal do not recognize disagreement as a legitimate part of a democratic society although, I dare say as a Korean vet, few if any of them have any military service. In any event, thank you for supporting the America's military personnel in voting again increasing troop movement to Iraq.

James Anderson (2/20/07)

Now that you have identified yourself with the likes of Ted Kennedy, John Conyers, Hillary Clinton and all your other pals with your flawed logic, which served to support and encourage the opposition to the United States Armed Forces and our allies in Iraq, this note is to inform you, that you will not have my support in the future and I will actively work to inform every voter that I know of your acions.

Perry White (2/20/07)

I applaud and support your vote concerning the troop surge Iraq. I voice this support as one who has voted for you in each of your elections, and who voted twice for Mr. Bush, so I speak as one who has been on the GOP side of the fence. I appreciate the courage you have shown, as you surely must have anticipated the political fallout here in the Upstate, an area that is perhaps a bit too ready to support the "R" side of the argument without really looking at the larger picture. One has only to thoughtfully consider the history of the Middle East to understand why this strategy will have no effect on the long-term outcome of the conflict, will only place more troops in harms way, and perhaps delay the inevitable assumption of responsibility by the Iraq government. Certainly I do not view your vote as a lack of support for the troops now there, or for those who will be deployed. While you are perhaps not in the majority of those here in then Upstate, or in your own political party, you have "done right.

Michele McKelvey (2/19/07)

I am greatly distressed to learn that you voted in favor of the non-binding Resolution. I feel that you have lost complete touch with those who elected you to represent us. This worthless resolution does nothing but waste the time of Congress and sends a distressing message to our troops on the ground. I think we all know what its purpose was and the fact that you have decided to support this stand has lost you my vote.

Sam Day (2/19/07)

Rep. Inglis you may be sincere, however you are sincerely wrong on the anti-surge resolution. You are sending the wrong message not only to our brave men and women in uniform, but most tragically to our enemies. Sir, you have joined camp with the liberal cut and run crowd in Congress, and by doing so, you have let us down.

Dick Lynch (2/19/07)

I see this as "Aid and Comfort to the Enemy." Who gained from your support? Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, Harry Reid, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Osama Bin Laden, et al. Who are the losers? The Commander-In-Chief, the military, the families of the military, U.S. resolve and prestige at home and overseas. Sorry. You're no Reagan Conservative as your website states.

Johnny M. Thomas (2/19/07)

So tell me did you vote in this way so you could say that you were against the war in Iraq "AFTER" you were for it. I hope the voters in your district feel the same for you when it's time for them to vote again.

Wilson Sheldon (2/19/07)

I have no respect for your vote last week on opposition to the surge. Why vote on a resolution which has no meaning except to our enemies. We are fighting a War...a War which you voted to approve some 3 years ago. If you want to show political courage on the War....then vote to cut off funding.....funding of Wars is the role of Congress. No, you will never vote to cut off funding because the vote would have real meaning and you would be forced to take responsibly for your vote. I'm not a one issue voter, but this may turn me into one.

Alicia Irwin (2/19/07)

Wow. So much hatred in the pro-war comments. I suppose that is appropriate for people that want to keep killing. Funny, it sounds a lot like terrorism. There is no easy way to stop fighting a war. The war machine has a voracious appetite. Mr. Inglis, thank you so much for your independent thinking and having the courage to vote for peace.

Robert Buckingham (2/19/07)

Thank you for voting to oppose the surge in Iraq. As our honorable Vice President, Dick Cheney has stated, this war has been "enormously successful". It has been for the war profiteers, and as an ex-CEO of Halliburton it stands to reason, he and men of his ilk, stand to gain much while good, god-fearing Americans take the heat of lead and IED's in a war started under false pretense and maintained for the gain of a few. Families suffer losses that are irreplaceable. As a Vietnam era vet I find this war abominable. It is time to cut our losses and let them, the warring factions, settle it for themselves.

Amy Buckingham (2/19/07)

Thank you very much for your vote against an increase in troop levels. If the US is ever going to get out of this quagmire, we have to show Iraq that we mean business.

Harold Ashe (2/19/07)

Thank you for having the political courage to vote for the anti-surge resolution. For the life of me, I cannot understand why some would think this is an affront to the soldiers already there nor why it would be seen as "anti-American." Nearly 70% of all Americans oppose the troop escalation because they know we are in Iraq for the wrong reason (remember the mythical WMD?)and realize that most of the violence there is sectarian in nature. We have put our brave soldiers in the middle of an Iraqi CIVIL war - Sunni vs. Shiite - and adding 21,500 U.S. soldiers (a move opposed even by many of our own generals) will do nothing to stop it.

Joey Bagwell (2/18/07)

Do you realize that Iran and al Qaeda would have voted the same as you did? This is not a Civil War. It is thug fascist terrorists killing innocent, Muslim women and children in the streets of Baghdad, because the Democrats and now some Republicans can't handle seeing it on the news and will surrender to them. They have learned that their ruthless terror will break the spirit of American politicians and then they will have free reign to plan and terrorize, not only the Middle East, but the whole world. Not only is your vote a show of weakness, it is also dangerous to the future of this country. If this country falls, I want it to be because we fought and lost, not because we gave up or caved in.

Robert Kazian (2/18/07)

Your vote on this resolution emboldens the enemy that would kill every American if given the opportunity. The fact that you are on the same side as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and other Liberal Democrats should be enough to show the error of your position. You have betrayed the people of the 4th District that voted you to the position you hold. If you want to be a Liberal Democrat, please resign and run as a Democrat.

Scott Robinson (2/17/07)

You are now just one in a long list of far left politicians who have a VESTED INTEREST in the US loosing in Iraq. Don’t think so? Then tell me how you will justify your vote against the President if this surge works? You can’t! You are finished as a conservative politician in S.C.

Steve Nigh (2/17/07)

My initial reaction was the same as the majority of your constituents, but as I considered this from a higher perspective, I am led to believe in your decision that I trust you prayed for. I have no reason to believe otherwise, having noted your life. Count me in in support of your decision in this matter. We are all but a small part of a larger picture. My family will pray for you. A week ago today I attended the funeral of my cousin in Iraq one day short of coming home. I was with his father and mother, grands, uncles, aunts and cousins. I understand more fully now than ever of the tremendous price that has been paid. The quicker we have the Iraq army take over completely, the better. His death in Iraq was not in vain.

Roy Shelton USMC Ret. (2/17/07)

Your support for the Bush Haters' resolution is shocking! You have betrayed the trust of many. Your position is simplistic, patronizing, and demonstrates an appalling level of ignorance about this vital area, war, history, and the nature of power. Please read Speaker Gingrich's congressional testimony of 1/23/07. Our enemy, the islamic fascists, is organized in non-state systems such as Al Quaeda and seeks to establish islamic dictatorships encompassing the entire middle east and to destroy the US and Israel. The rogue states of Iran and Syria provide their support and concurrently are heavily investing in advanced conventional, chemical, and nuclear weapons. These evil-doers use terrorism to destroy the will of the American people.

Helen A. Pulsifer (2/17/07)

I respect your independence and your courage in deciding how you would vote on the troop surge issue. I think slogans and sound bites can in no way capture the sense of this struggle. It takes an exceedingly thoughtful and insightful person, such as yourself, to sift through the demagoguery and hysteria and vote his conscience. This is not a Democratic or a Republican issue. It's a human issue, and the sooner we dispense with slogans and black and white thinking, the sooner we'll find a solution.

Phil Alperson (2/17/07)

I am not your constituent, but I have many in-laws who are your constituents. First, I applaud you voting your conscience and bucking the "party line," regardless of the issue. Second, you have clearly given the matter at hand a lot of thought and voted responsibly, even if it may not have reflected the views of many of your constituents. We elect our representatives to make the tough decisions. This is what leadership is all about and your constituents should be proud of your reasoned and courageous stand even if they disagree with your vote. PS: I love the music and graphics of the opening page on your web site.

Ted Christian (2/17/07)

Let me explain something to all the rabid partisans on this page- the war is over. It has been lost here politically, period, and it thus cannot be won over there militarily, whatever that was supposed to look like. You can grind up every mother's son, you can sever every limb, you can put out every eye in every socket in every one of the troops you support so much, and you will not change this simple fact. The Congressman is doing nothing more than in some measure recognizing it, and too his credit he's doing so against your political wind.

Dr. Jo A Quatannens (2/17/07)

No one seems to care what the "boots on the ground" have observed, but nevertheless I pass on his words that we must support our soldiers by supporting their mission. Your vote yesterday was effectively a vote of no confidence in those who risk all to protect YOU. I can't tell you how much your vote has maginfied my grief over my loss. Don't send any further mailings to me, you have lost my vote.

Elizabeth Hill (2/17/07)

It's beyond my comprehension that one can vote for this resolution and still support our troops! Have your readers check out the editorial cartoon from the Greenville News Feb. 16th. That cartoon summarizes my feelings very well! This battle may not have been the best idea in the world but we are in the battle. Remember Irag is a battlefront in a much larger war. My fear, we are opening the backdoor and the frontdoor for terriorist activity in this country with this kind of posturing in Washington! Time will tell. What will historians say about this one!

George Eastergard Jr. (2/17/07)

Thank you, Bob, as usual, for your "kitchen table" candor and common sense. I was a little alarmed at the noise I heard on newstalk WORD this week, but visiting this website has brought everything clearly into focus. Reading your floor speech and press releases has also helped me codify my thoughts and opinions on the troop build-up issue. You have hit the nail squarely on the head. Hang in there as you walk the fine line of common sense. I'm sure it can be a lonely place.

Tracy Garcia (2/17/07)

SHAME ON YOU!!! I believe our president has been through so much and to have his own party voting aganist him is unreal. I don't even think you read these e-mails or even care what people think so why should I ever vote again?

John Helfrich (2/17/07)

Congratulations on finally seeing the light. For all the critics that say there is no plan, they haven't been listening. The plan is this: GET OUT ... NOW! Before we have another Vietnam. Just do what President Ford did; Declare victory and leave!!!! I became a Republican when I was 21 and in the service. President Johnson said he would not send American Soldiers to fight an Asian land war... he lied, as did Bush.

Jack Buttram (2/16/07)

Your reasoning is sound, in my opinion, *except* in the conclusion. In my view, the action you are taking -- and now have taken -- is bound to give aid and comfort to the enemy, and you as a lawyer know that is a part of the definition of treason. I know you are not a dishonorable man -- but in this action I believe you are taking a dishonorable course. Honor requires following our elected leader, most particularly in time of war. For me, it cannot be explained away.

Roger Jewell (2/16/07)

Thank you Bob Inglis for not being a blind sided follow the leader Republican. I think you are finally representing the true feelings of the people of your Congressional district.

Mark Sternick (2/16/07)

Mr Inglis, I am outraged, embarrassed, and ashamed at your vote today. If you wanted to send a "symbolic message" to President Bush, as the Greenville News quoted you today, then send him a private letter. My son is serving in the Army in Iraq today. With this vote, you might have well just put a bullet in his head and his heart. You do not "support the troops" by this vote, rather, you aid the morale of our enemies. I wish Congress would not waste their time on "non-binding" resolutions.

Ann Oliver Cothran (2/16/07)

Thank you for supporting the 3/4 of our troops who say it's time for them to come HOME!!! It's time we actually supported our troops by hearing what they're saying - the ONLY way to support them at this point is to bring them home and you have shown great courage with this vote. I vote for the person, not the party, and as a Christian who believes in the peace of Christ, and a human being that doesn't want to see one more of our soldiers OR one more Iraqi civilian die, I applaud your vote.

Thomas Pruitt (2/16/07)

I will gladly donate money to any Republican that will run against you in the 2008 Republican primary. I also encourage all who visit this site to join the Victory Caucus. They plan to recruit candidates to defeat "white flag" Republicans. I hope and pray you are NOT re-elected.

Brett Heidt (2/16/07)

Contacting a U.S. Rep is somthing I seldom do, but your vote on Iraq has provoked me to write. I am disappointed and ashamed! Why do you, and those who voted for this resolution continue to talk about the past mistakes, instead of proposing solutions? It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that this vote does more to encourge the enemy than a troop build up ever would. Thanks to you the enemy now knows they are one step closer to winning. Our troops suffer as a result. I hope you sleep well knowing that your vote has harmed our troops regardless of what you think the resolution says. Courage is standing up and saying what you really mean. But you, and those who voted yes, are too afraid of the consequences, so you hide behind this meaningless vote and pretend you have done something.

Laurie Nail (2/16/07)

I am moving to your District and I will work as hard as I can to see that you are defeated. You have betrayed your Country, your President, and your party, but most of all our Troops.

Doris Mathieson (2/16/07)

I have residences in both NY and SC but have always voted in NY. This year I plan to change my registration so I can vote for Rudy Giuliani in the Republican presidential primary in SC. I will then maintain this SC registration so I can vote AGAINST you in any and all upcoming elections. Your vote today on the absurd, wholly political posturing nonsense called the "anti-surge" resolution is appalling and a disgrace. The resolution is meaningless, except insofar as it gives hope to our enemies and kicks dirt in the faces of our troops. Shame on you!

JoAnn Gressette (2/16/07)

Words can't describe my disappointment with your vote in favor of this resolution. After hearing the words of Cong. Sam Johnson (R-Texas) who opposed this resolution and knows first hand how detrimental this vote can be to our military... your vote is inexcusable! I'm sure you heard the traitorous remarks of John Murtha, and yet you chose to align yourself with him. This is a terrible blight on your record and one you cannot explain away IMO.

Robert Kay (2/16/07)

I am disappointed that the Congressman refuses to stand behind and support our Commander in Chief and our military personnel in Iraq. I do not believe Congressman Inglis represents the majority of his 4th District constituency by casting a vote which will have a serious negative effect on troop moral and our ability to protect our country from more attacks by the Islamic Fascists. The Honorable Congressman should hang his head in shame on this day of infamy, February 16, 2007.

Jonathan Brody (2/16/07)

You are a critic without a solution... Now what?

Frank Smith (2/16/07)

Well said. Very difficult times. I am glad you are representing me.

Richard Hilton (2/16/07)

You deserve a true "Profiles in Courage" award for your vote FOR the troops and for not buckling under to the intense pressure of the Republican Party nor the neocons in your home district! I am delighted that you finally faced the reality that the only people who can end this war are the Iraqis themselves; that we cannot impose Democracy on a tribal civilization; and to stay would cause thousands of needless additional casualties. Those who say we have to "win" this war have not defined winning. Do we "win" when we have killed a sufficient number of sunnis and shittes that they stop fighting, or do we "Win" when the American public finally decides that they have had enough American casualties? Either way, it is too high a price to pay!

Paul R. Pool (2/16/07)

You need to join the Dem. party. You are so out of touch with your constituents. Hopefully, we will not send you back when your term is up.

Amanda Bauknight (2/16/07)

How do we explain your vote to our nephew, who now heads up the Amputee Center at Walter Reed Army Hospital? He lost his foot in Iraq, was declared "Fit for Duty" again by the military after his initial recovery, went back to Iraq to regain his command of the Armored Calvary unit, came home again and finished the world champtionships Iron Man Triathalon in Hawaii, and is now trying to help wounded soldiers regain a semblance of life. The least you Congressmen could do is to try to be fit to govern. You were not elected to turn tail and run, but to lead. Your planned vote does not indicate leadership.

Jeff White (2/16/07)

Congressman, I am very disappointed on your decision to support this resolution. In doing so, you are sending a horrible message to our troops and the terrorists. I have been a long time supporter and will most likely continue to support you in the future but you are dead wrong on this issue. Just look around you on the House floor and see who agrees with you on this issue. If Nancy Pelosi agrees with you, can you be on the right side of the issue???

Al Hueble (2/16/07)

Come Home Immediately. You have lost your compass .No need to hold any more "Town Hall Meetings." You have shown you are going to do what you desire.

Dallas Fox (2/16/07)

Bob, I couldn't disagree with more strongly! There is absolutely no logical reason for making a comparison between the past 3 years in Iraq and the decades long struggle for America's Independence. It strikes me that your "thinking" is extremely shallow and subjects your constituents to the possibilites of many "unintended consequences." As a VietNam era vet, Political statements and actions in D.C. did have a significant effect on the morale of my fellow vets. Aligning yourself with "cut & run" Dems without giving Bush's plan any time to work must be drawn from your conclusion that the outcome will be the same as in Sept. And Oct. 2006. What if you are wrong? I can envision even more "unintedned consequences" With even worse outcomes.

Clifton Dunaway (2/16/07)

You are NOT representing the people in your district on this issue! The vast majority of us want you to vote AGAINST this issue. There is power in the vote, and with your yes vote will be many more NO votes for you in your next re-election.

Jim Sturgis (2/16/07)

I strongly disagree with your position regarding the vote to oppose the President on the troop surge in Iraq. The surge will happen! So this vote is just a political stunt by the democrats to further undermine the President and the military. Congressman, this is a war and we don't need "435 mini-commanders in chief" second guessing the decisions of those chosen to lead our efforts in Iraq. My wife and I moved into your congessional district in Oct 2006, your vote on this issue will make it easy for us know how to vote in 2008; it will not be for a democrat or any republican that supports the democrat's agenda.

Elliot Figueroa (2/16/07)

t is unfortunate that you are choosing to vote in this manner. The only message you are sending is that the United States of America is willing to surrender to terrorist tactics and that you do not have the confidence in our military to complete the job. I do not understand your interpretation of the vote. What you need to do is look at the bigger picture. If we fail in Iraq the power vacuum created by the surrender you are proposing would be assume by the Iranians and their Shiite allies. Then Iran will have combine control of a very large portion of the known oil reserves. Iran will also assume the power position of the nation that kick the US out of the middle east. The issues are complicated but your vote of "no confidence" is not the solution.

Eugene Arnold Lcdr.USN (Ret) (2/16/07)

I can not understand why you want to commit political suicide. I have to assume that you will run as a democrat in the next election.

R.D. Hood (2/16/07)

I am very disappointed that you have decided to vote for the resolution opposing the troop surge. I have supported you in the pass but this is a defining issue and vote that I cannot accept. Goodbye.

Mahlon Helmuth (2/16/07)

I have been honored to consider you a friend and I boast to my friends that I know you personally. I am very disappointed on your decision to support the Democratic resolution to oppose the surge. Please reconsider.

G.S. Barton (2/16/07)

If you vote against the troop surge and support the defeatists Democrats who have their political agenda instead of our nations security I will never support or vote for you again.

Billy Hart (2/16/07)

Some of the people that called in on Ralph's program said they did not think his voting with the dems. was wrong. If he is going to vote with the democrats he might as well be one. If he vote that way I can't vote for him any more.

Ernie Wright (2/16/07)

I am VERY disappointed in your decision to join the democrats in opposing The President in the surge of troops. I think YOU are sending the wrong message to the terrorists who do not want a stable Iraq. You should be supporting him. He has consulted with the "men on the ground" in that important country in this fight for our survival. I do believe that if we lose there that the terrorists will follow the troups back here. I would rather fight them in the streets of Bagdad than Atlanta or N.Y.

Col. (Ret.) Richard Bagwell (2/16/07)

I just read with interest your decision to vote against the President’s request for an increase in troop levels. Rather than vote against this, why not offer a potential solution, like let the military do its job without fear of having to please every elected official in BOTH Iraq & the US??? Remember those famous words: “Damn the torpedoes!! Full speed ahead! You guys & gals in Washington do a mediocre job of governing. It now appears that we can’t trust you with the military either!

Ron Tyson (2/15/07)

We have just heard on WORD that you are going to support the extreme leftist anti-American, anti-military Democrat Party as they push through their outrageous betrayal of our soldiers and America. You are playing right into the hands of our dangerous enemy, the radical Muslims. We are dismayed and shocked beyond belief that you are so ignorant and naive. The Democrat Party is NOT a friend of freedom, individual rights, and democracy. The Democrat Party is using you and the other gullible, short sighted foolish, naive Republicans who are too stupid to realize what is at stake here for the future security of America.

Martina Moore Casey (2/15/07)

I just heard on the radio that you're going to vote yes on the anti-surge resolution. Thanks a lot. I voted for you, and now you're going to give the defeatists your "yes" vote. Well, you're done. If you don't understand the implications of this vote, you never deserved my vote. You're making a big mistake and are not speaking for your district. If you would have even hinted to the fact that you wanted to bail on the Iraqi's and, more importantly, our troops, you would have never won re-election. My disgust is immense. You may as well take your place with Cindy and Jane at the anti-war, anti -America rally in DC on March 17th. Hope to see you there, as I'll be there to show support for our country, our President, and most importtantly, our troop.

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