Capital Dome
Committee on Standards of Official Conduct
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Contact Information

Committee on Standards
of Official Conduct

HT-2, The Capitol
Washington, DC  20515
Phone: 202-225-7103
Fax: 202-225-7392
Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

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content Margin Subjects
Campaign Activity


 General Prohibition Against Using Official Resources for Campaign or Political Purposes

 Campaign Work by House Employees Outside the Congressional Office and on Their Own Time

 Campaign Contributions and Contributors

 Proper Use of Campaign Funds and Resources

 Other Applicable Laws, Rules, and Standards of Conduct

 Browse Campaign Activity Topics



There are currently no Forms for this subject matter.

Please check back with us later.

Pink Sheets

 Paid Employment of Family Members by Member-controlled Campaign Organizations

 Laws, Rules, and Standards of Conduct Governing Campaign Activity

 Member Participation in Certain Events Taking Place During a National Political Convention



Can House staff engage in campaign activity?


Am I allowed to make a campaign contribution to my employing Member?

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