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Hearing on Fair and Equitable Tax Policy for America’s Working Families

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Hearing Advisory
   Chairman Rangel Announces Hearing on Fair and Equitable Tax Policy for America’s Working Families
Witness List and Testimony  (Printer Friendly)
  Leonard E. Burman,Ph.D., Director, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center
  Jason Furman, Director, The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution
  Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Senior Fellow, The Peterson Institute, and Former Director, Congressional Budget Office

  Stephen E. Shay, Partner, Ropes & Gray LLP, Boston, Massachusetts
  Leon M. Metzger, Former Vice Chairman and Chief Administration Officer of Paloma Partners Management Company
  Janne G. Gallagher, Vice President & General Counsel, Council on Foundations
  Suzanne Ross McDowell, Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
  Daniel J. Shapiro, Partner, Schulte, Roth & Zabel LLP, London, England

  Peter R. Orszag, Director, Congressional Budget Office
  C. Eugene Steuerle, Ph.D., Co-Director, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, and Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Analysis, Reagan Administration
  Darryll K. Jones, Professor of Law, Stetson University College of Law, Gulfport, Florida
  Victor Fleischer, Associate Professor of Law, University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign, Illinois
  Mark P. Gergen, Professor of Law, The University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Texas
  Jack S. Levin, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Chicago, Illinois

  Leo Hindery, Jr., Managing Director, InterMedia Partners, New York, New York
  William D. Stanfill, Founding Partner, TrailHead Ventures, Denver, Colorado
  Orin S. Kramer, Chairman, New Jersey State Investment Council, New York, New York
  Jonathan Silver, Managing Director, Core Capital Partners
  Adam Ifshin, President, DLC Management Corp., Tarrytown, New York
  Bruce Rosenblum, Managing Director, The Carlyle Group, and Chairman of the Board, Private Equity Council
Submissions for the Record
  National Association of Home Builders, statement
  American Prepaid Legal Services Institute, statement
  Chamber of Commerce, statement
  National Association of Publicly Traded Partnerships, statement
  National Center for Policy Analysis, statement
  National Taxpayers Union, Alexandria, VA, statement
  NGVAmerica, statement
Hearing Transcript
   Committee on Ways and Means, 110-58, Hearing on Fair and Equitable Tax Policy for America's Working Families
Printed Hearing
   Not Yet Available
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