Texas Straight Talk

A weekly column

September 15, 2008: In Government We Trust? Part 3
I’ve discussed just a few benefits of sound money in the last two weeks, and contrasted them to the perils of fiat currency.  Sound money keeps government spending in check, keeps trade fair and honest, which reduces the temptations, and many underlying causes, for governments to wage wars.  It also gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your savings will be able to sustain you in your retirement.   So if sound money is such a good thing, what is stopping people from simply trading with each other in gold and silver?  Why are you still being …

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Speeches and Statements

September 10, 2008  Statement on Sovereign Wealth Funds
"Mr. Chairman, once again we confront the issue of sovereign wealth funds, an issue which has become quite important due to the large amount of dollars and dollar-denominated bonds held by foreign governments, and the fears of these governments given the dollar's precipitous decline over the past few years. The past few days have been quite interesting, with speculation that one of the reasons for the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was the more than $1 trillion in Fannie and Freddie debt held by foreign governments. The threat of default on this debt would have undoubtedly had massive repercussions on the value of the dollar and might have unleashed the “nuclear threat” of a massive international sell-off of government and agency debt."

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Press Releases

August 4, 2008: Congressman Paul Cosponsors Engel/Paul Act
“Congressman Ron Paul is an original cosponsor of legislation introduced July 31st that would ensure that a traveler entering the United States would be subject to searches of their data and digital equipment only if a border agent has a reasonable suspicion to believe the traveler is or is about to be engaged in criminal activity. ..."

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July 10, 2008: Congressman Paul on Iran and H Con Res 362

June 26, 2008: Congressman Paul on Iran

March 12, 2008: Congressman Paul on the Budget and Monetary Policy

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