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WASHINGTON – United States Rep. Virginia Foxx (N.C.-5) announced today that she was able to secure $2.5 million for improvements to the Statesville Regional Airport.  The funding was included in the FY 2006 Transportation, Treasury, HUD, the Judiciary and the District of Columbia Appropriations conference report which is expected to pass the House today.

“We appreciated the reception Statesville received in March when we first visited with Congresswoman Foxx regarding possible airport funding,” said Statesville Mayor-Elect Costi Kutteh. “Her and her staff’s efforts in securing this funding demonstrate her commitment to economic prosperity for Statesville and its surrounding communities.  We truly appreciate her recognizing the importance of Statesville Airport and making this funding a reality.”

“I am delighted that I was able to secure these vital funds,” said Rep. Foxx.  “Helping the Statesville Airport move forward will encourage economic development by bringing new jobs to Iredell County and adding to the tax base.”

Rep. Foxx has been actively involved with the airport all year and has worked closely with airport officials, local government officials and representatives from Lowe’s Aviation.  She also enlisted the support of House Aviation Committee Chairman Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.), who visited the airport as Rep. Foxx’s guest last June.

The City of Statesville and Iredell County have become a favorite area for corporate relocations in recent years.  These corporations have increasingly depended on the Statesville Airport to meet their travel needs.  Not only are the numbers of aircraft operations increasing, but the size of aircraft using the facility are increasing as well.  In order to meet this demand, the airport began an aggressive phased expansion plan, which includes extending the runway to 7000’ (from 5000’) and installing an Instrument Landing System (ILS).

Rep. Foxx worked especially hard to speed up the process of implementing the ILS at the Statesville Airport.  The ILS project had apparently stalled at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and was costing the airport money and jobs since businesses want to locate near an airport with an ILS system.  Rep. Foxx contacted the appropriate FAA officials and helped usher the project through expeditiously. 

Other phases include new taxiways, pavement strengthening, and other improvements, with each phase meeting FAA requirements and further enhancing aircraft safety. 

“Upon completion of this phased project, aircraft will be able to fly non-stop to the West Coast as well as internationally,” said Rep. Foxx.  “These improvements will have a tremendous economic impact on the community and will allow Statesville Airport to keep up with its growing usage demands.”
