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Foxx Demands Vote on American Energy; Democrats Shut Down House

Contact: Press Office

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Virginia Foxx (NC-05) issued the following statement today calling for Speaker Pelosi to cut short the Democrat vacation and address record high gas prices:

“Last week after House Democrats voted to adjourn for a five-week recess, my colleagues and I took to the House floor to ask the Democrat leadership to rescind their decision and allow for a vote on more American energy.  Speaker Pelosi may have turned off the lights, cameras, and microphones, but we are still here fighting for Americans who are feeling the pain at the pump,” Foxx said.

“Back home, my constituents are hurting from high energy prices.  I recently received a letter from a Boy Scout in Winston-Salem who said that rising prices may prevent his family from being able to afford going to church.  This is completely unacceptable for my constituents and also unacceptable for the constituents represented by my friends on the other side of the aisle,” Foxx said.  “We are asking Speaker Pelosi to cut short her book tour and reconvene the House to vote on legislation to increase American-made energy.  With American families paying record high gas prices, they expect leadership not more broken promises from Democrats.”
