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Foxx praises law enforcement officers

Contact: Aaron Groen
(202) 225-2071

National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day a “day to thank those who serve and protect”

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Representative Virginia Foxx (NC-05) issued the following statement today in observance of National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day and in honor of North Carolina’s dedicated and professional law enforcement officers:

“Today is a day to thank those who serve and protect us everyday in communities across our state,” Rep. Foxx said.  “The men and women who dedicate their lives to law enforcement not only keep our families safe, they also help to preserve the way of life we hold so dear.

“Let’s take the time to thank our friends in law enforcement for their service and sacrifice.  May today be a reminder of the thousands who walk the neighborhood beats, patrol our streets and willingly do the dangerous work that makes our lives safer each day.  They deserve our gratitude all year round. 

“We also remember today those who have fallen in the line of duty.  Today I pay a special tribute to Forsyth County’s own Sergeant Howard Plouff who served in the Winston-Salem Police Department.  Last year he gave his life while serving his community as a police officer.  His sacrifice is not forgotten and his family remains in our prayers on this day of remembrance.”

About National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day: Peace Officers Memorial Day and is a day of observance that pays tribute to local, state, and federal law enforcement officers. The Memorial takes place each year on May 15 and is a part of National Police Week.

This holiday was created by an act of Congress in 1961. Much of the holiday centers on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial wall in Washington, D.C., whose walls feature the names of the more than 17,000 law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty. The first National Peace Officers' Memorial Day Service was held in Washington, DC on May 15, 1982.
