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February 23, 2000
U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) issued the following statement commenting on the Supreme Court opinion in the case of Rice v. Cayetano. The Court held in a 7 to 2 decision that the denial of Mr. Harold F. Rice's right to vote in OHA trustee elections violates the Fifteenth Amendment.

"I am disappointed but not surprised by the Court's ruling. Sitting through oral arguments last October, I clearly sensed the Justices' concern with the Fifteenth Amendment implications for the election of Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustees. The Rice decision raises significant issues, and it is imperative that Native Hawaiians and the people of Hawaii work with Federal and State officials to continue dialogue and efforts to address the unique political status and economic needs of Hawaii's indigenous people.

"In 1978, the people of Hawaii voted to empower Hawaii's indigenous people, the Native Hawaiians, through the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to address the betterment of the conditions of Native Hawaiians. This is fundamental – all the people of Hawaii recognized the importance of establishing an organization for Native Hawaiian political and economic self-determination. Today's ruling does not negate the Office of Hawaiian Affairs or diminish the State's obligation to Native Hawaiians. It does, however, require a reexamination of the approach established by Hawaii voters to address these longstanding issues. I am confident that by working together we can address the objections raised in today's ruling.

"The Rice decision underscores the importance of the reconciliation process underway between Native Hawaiians and the Federal government. It is imperative that we continue working on political status issues and self-determination. My priority remains focused on bringing a greater permanence and attention to this process, including the establishment of a federal office committed to the resolution of Native Hawaiian issues."

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February 2000

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