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Historic Fiscal Crisis
Jun 20, 2008  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Speaker, shh, there's a secret. I have a secret. It's a secret that the leadership in this House doesn't want the people to know; but I'm going to tell you anyway. This Nation, this Federal Government, is in a historic fiscal crisis right now. It was announced earli... More

Real Energy Solutions
Jun 20, 2008  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. I thank my friend, Mr. Westmoreland from Georgia, and you are equally a friend of the taxpayer and a Georgia bulldog in terms of fighting for taxpayers and consumers and for Americans to be more free rather than less free in the future. Thank you for yielding. I stand h... More

HR 2642, The Supplemental Appropriations Act
Jun 19, 2008  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Thank you for that kind introduction, my colleague from California (Mr. Dreier). Mr. Speaker, we learned this week that 8 months into this fiscal year we now have a deficit of $317 billion. If you project that out for the rest of the fiscal year, we are looking at havin... More

Israel's 60th Anniversary
May 20, 2008  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Speaker, in 1948, the United Nations established the Nation of Israel so that a dispossessed and tyrannized people might have the opportunity to return to their historic homeland. Now, 60 years later, what does Israel stand for in our world community of nations... More

Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2009
Mar 13, 2008  -   Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Chairman, I thank the gentleman for yielding. You know, our friends on the other side of the aisle may not like and may have problems with our budget, but the one thing they can't say is that we are not doing what we say we are going to do. We have said t... More

Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2009
Mar 12, 2008  -   Mr. CAMPBELL of California. I thank the gentleman from Wisconsin for yielding. Mr. Chairman, we have heard and we know this budget has the largest tax increase in American history and it also doubles the deficit from what the last Republican budget was. But somehow the majority seems to w... More

The Budget: RSC Special Order
Feb 26, 2008  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentlelady from Tennessee very much for yielding on this important issue of the budget. Now you know in the next couple of weeks we will vote on a budget here, Madam Speaker, in this Ho use. And that budget will undoubtedly have a deficit some... More

Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
Feb 7, 2008  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. I thank my friend from Louisiana for yielding. Madam Speaker, I hope that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will vote against this bill tonight. I hope you will vote against it because it's too late. The most important quarters are this quarter and next quarter, ... More

Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act of 2008
Jan 29, 2008  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. I thank the gentleman for yielding. I guess this afternoon I am going to be a fairly lonely voice in opposition to this bipartisan agreement, and I hope that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will listen as in the next 3 minutes I present to you five reasons why ... More

Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2007
Dec 19, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. I thank the gentleman for yielding. Madam Speaker, I support this bill today, which is going to leave taxes alone. And understand that's all it's going to do. It is not cutting taxes on anyone. It's just leaving them where they are. But yet to do this, the majority ... More

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