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National Earmarks for Security
Sep 12, 2008  - It’s no secret that this Congress has had a problem passing appropriations bills on time.  Last year, we resorted to passing a giant omnibus bill at the last minute, and this year we likely will recess until after the election by passing a continuing resolution (CR), to fund the government at i... More

We Will Never Forget
Sep 11, 2008  - I know most of you will never forget where you were on September 11, 2001. I know I certainly won’t. That day has been permanently ingrained in the minds of Americans.  The attacks still resonate in the hearts and minds of Americans. But when we remember the 7th anniversary of that fateful day,... More

Take a Bite Out of Your Paycheck
Sep 11, 2008  - Yesterday I blogged about the new CBO numbers on the deficit and the remarkable jump in the deficit figures. If that is extended over the full 2008-2018 period, CBO projects that spending will average 21.1% of GDP. Federal revenues have never exceeded 20.9% of GDP (a level reached in 1944, 2000). Ke... More

CBO Makes its Estimate
Sep 9, 2008  - Today, the Congressional Budget Office released its latest figures on the deficit, and they aren’t good.  According to the report the federal government will run a deficit of $407 billion for the budget year that ends on Sept. 30.  Furthermore, CBO expects that if current policies remain... More

Spending Addiction
Aug 19, 2008  - According to a recently released report by Taxpayer’s for Common Sense (TCS), House members will receive $290 million more in earmarks this year, than in last.   This increase is also accompanied by an increase in approved projects, which will swell by about 200 this year.  These ... More

Guest Blog: Congressman Paul Ryan
Aug 12, 2008  - Congressman Ryan (WI) is the Ranking Member from the Committee on the Budget, and the main designer of the American Roadmap.  America is on an unsustainable fiscal course. Today, the unfunded liability of just our two largest entitlement programs – Medicare and Social Security – is $40... More

More Monuments to Me
Aug 5, 2008  - Last week I blogged about the Flake/Campbell amendment to the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill, however there were other amendments that are worthy of mention. Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), offered an amendment that would prohibit the use of federal funds for a “M... More

The Flake/Campbell Amendment
Aug 1, 2008  - Today, Jeff Flake and I offered an amendment to the FY2009 Military Construction/Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill.  Our amendment would prohibit funding for the 103 congressionally requested earmarks found in the bill.  This amendment would also reduce the overall cost of the bill by t... More

Lights Out and Locked Out
Aug 1, 2008  - Congress has passed no meaningful energy legislation to move us towards lower gas prices and more American energy and now has recessed for a 5 week break. Republicans, including yours truly, wanted to speak more about that on the floor of the House this afternoon. The Pelosi majority took the unusua... More

A Tribute to Milton Friedman
Jul 31, 2008  - Today I want to take a moment and honor one of the world’s most preeminent advocate for free markets and personal liberty, Milton Friedman.  Friedman helped shape the fiscal policy across the world, and Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher looked to him for advice. Milton Friedman did not inven... More

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