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THAT'S DEBATEABLE: Bailout bill debate - Daily Pilot
Jul 23, 2008  - Capitol Hill conservatives are debating President George W. Bush’s proposal to shore up struggling mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with some Republicans saying a bailout amounts to too much government. Others are saying emergency funding is necessary to restore confidence in the governmen... More

THAT'S DEBATEABLE: Should Medicare payments be cut? - Daily Pilot
Jul 16, 2008  - George W. Bush vetoed a bill, which Congress quickly overrode, that would stop a 10.6% cut in Medicare payments to physicians and boost them 1.1% next year. Many Republicans opposed the legislation because the money to pay for it would come from more than $12 billion in reserve to pay private insura... More

THAT’S DEBATABLE: Should inmates have the right to habeas corpus? - Daily Pilot
Jun 25, 2008  - The U.S. Supreme Court again recently rejected President Bush’s policy of holding prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and suspending their rights to habeas corpus — the right to seek their freedom before a judge. Bush has indicated, as he has after similar High Court rulings, to seek some relief ... More

THAT’S DEBATABLE: Do you back GI Bill changes? - Daily Pilot
May 29, 2008  - The Senate last week approved war-funding legislation that would expand the benefits of the WWII-era GI Bill. President George W. Bush opposes it, saying it would encourage retirements while the military struggles to retain troops. The education benefit offers full tuition up to the cost of the most... More

THATS DEBATABLE: How to cut costs?- Daily Pilot
May 1, 2008  - Several House Democratic leaders urged the Federal Trade Commission to investigate oil and gas markets for price manipulation. A group of senators meanwhile encouraged President Bush to halt billions of dollars in arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other Middle East oil producers until they boost oil pr... More

THAT’S DEBATABLE: How should the government solve mortgage crisis?
Apr 3, 2008  - GOP presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain stopped by Orange County last week to raise money and participate in a roundtable discussion with Latino small business leaders. While here he made a policy speech about the mortgage crisis basically spelling out a laissez-faire approach to the problem, ... More

THAT’S DEBATABLE: Should Congress block contract with Airbus?- The Daily Pilot
Mar 12, 2008  - The Air Force recently awarded a $40 billion aircraft contract to the France-based Airbus consortium, bypassing Chicago-based Boeing. The move has outraged some in Congress because they believe it will ship jobs and money overseas. Should Congress step in and try to block the contract? As I’ve sa... More

THAT’S DEBATABLE: McCain’s best VP?-- The Daily Pilot
Feb 13, 2008  - When Mitt Romney dropped out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination it essentially cleared the way for John McCain to win. Some have speculated Mike Huckabee stayed in to bolster his chances of getting a shot on the ticket with McCain. Newt Gingrich has said he would accept the vice-preside... More

THAT’S DEBATABLE: Who could give GOP big battle?--The Daily Pilot
Jan 30, 2008  - Which Democrat — Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama — do you think would give the Republicans the toughest battle for the White House in the general election, and why? Active members of either major political party are notoriously bad at picking opponents to beat in the other party. One of the mo... More

THAT’S DEBATABLE: Request for federal funding? -- The Daily Pilot
Dec 5, 2007  - Newport Beach Councilwoman Leslie Daigle is encouraging residents to contact their Washington lawmakers to rally for funding a multimillion dollar clean up of the harbor. The city needs about $13 million to finish dredging Newport Harbor. Are you on board with funding this project and, if so, what ... More

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