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GOP Elders to Nominate Leader for House Conservatives Group - Congressional Quarterly Today
Sep 11, 2008  - John Campbell of California has become the front-runner to succeed Jeb Hensarling as chairman of an influential group of House Republicans. The Republican Study Committee, which represents the party's conservative faction, will begin the process of evaluating candidates to be its next chairman ne... More

A Free Market Formula to Success - Club for Growth
Sep 10, 2008  - I've turned into a huge Formula One racing fan this year. A friend of mine knows everything about it, and slowly, I've come to appreciate it immensely. There is so much to love about it from a fan's perspective and also from a free market perspective. Here are some reasons why: Unlike... More

GOP talks energy in shuttered House - The Hill
Aug 1, 2008  - The microphones are off, the C-SPAN cameras are no longer running in the House chamber, but all is not silent as a group of House Republicans has stayed behind to continue to speak about energy issues. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) began the protest, which included about 20 GOPers who chose not to... More

Conservatives to Push for Earmark Moratorium - Roll Call
Jul 30, 2008  - After months of pushing a bipartisan earmark moratorium, House Republicans might get a chance to vote for one today. With the first regular spending bill of the year on the floor — the military construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill — anti-earmark conservatives plan to offer an amen... More

Veteran’s Spending Bill Could Break the Appropriations Ice on House Floor - Congressional Quarterly Today
Jul 30, 2008  - The House is expected as early as Wednesday to consider a record $118.7 billion spending measure to fund the Veterans lion spending measure to fund the Veterans Affairs Department and military construction projects in fiscal 2009. House action on the bill (HR 6599) indicates a symbolic thaw in the... More

House Panel Backs Measure To Revamp Municipal Bonds Scoring Criteria - Congress Daily
Jul 30, 2008  - The House Financial Services Committee approved legislation designed to eliminate a perceived market bias against municipal bonds by requiring credit rating agencies to score them in the same way as corporate debt. The bill (H.R. 6308), which cleared on a voice vote with no audible dissent, would... More

GOP ready to link Obama to Reid, Pelosi - Politico
Jul 29, 2008  - Barack Obama returns to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to speak with House Democrats, and Republicans will try to spoil the party by linking the Democrats’ presidential nominee to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and their reluctance to allow votes on offshore oil drilling. &... More

Veterans’ Spending Scheduled for House Floor; Defense markup Also Set - Congress Quarterly
Jul 25, 2008  - The Appropriations process will gain a little momentum next week with the House set to consider the Military Construction-VA spending bill, while a subcommittee takes up the Defense bill.    The Military Construction-VA bill (HR 6599) is expected to be considered on the floor July 30, a... More

House GOP urges Bush to reconsider veto stance - The Hill
Jul 24, 2008  - Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee are asking President Bush to reconsider his pledge not to veto a housing bill that passed the lower chamber on Wednesday. In a letter to the president that was sent on Thursday, the GOP panel members noted 149 Republicans voted against the Ameri... More

Housing Reform Bill To Bail Out Freddie, Fannie, Borrowers - Inverstor's Business Daily
Jul 23, 2008  - The House passed a sweeping housing reform bill on Wednesday, just hours after the White House said it was dropping any veto threat. Senate leaders have promised swift passage as well, meaning the bill could become law in just days. The bill passed 272-152 in the House, after leadership fast-track... More

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