Congressman John Campbell regularly writes email updates to the constituents of the 48th Congressional District. These emails are a great way to keep track of what is going on in Washington and his take on the latest events.

Past Laptop Reports:

September 12, 2008: Energy, Stimulus II, and Deficits

August 28, 2008: Reconvening

August 11, 2008: Monuments to Me

August 4, 2008: A Week on the House Floor

August 1, 2008: Pelosi attempts to Silence Republicans

July 25, 2008: A Difficult Vote

July 17, 2008: Other Reasons

July 11, 2008: Earmarks

June 27, 2008: Busy Week in DC

June 23, 2008: Shhhh

June 17, 2008: Gas Prices

June 6, 2008: Big Ideas

May 23, 2008:
Indians & Trial Lawyers

May 14, 2008: Campbell Questionnaire

April 25, 2008: Robocalls

April 18, 2008: Lions, Tigers, and Bears

April 11, 2008:  Jokes, Tax Me More?, Pigs

April 4, 2008:
Laptop Changeover

March 5, 2008: It's Been a Little While

February 14, 2008: You will be a Lot Less Safe on Saturday

February 5, 2008: Other Things

January 29, 2008: Buy a Flat Screen...Save America

January 24, 2008: Stimulus Package

January 18, 2008: A New Year....a New Tone?

December 20, 2007: BCS Game Picks

December 19, 2007: Finally...Progress

December 14, 2007: Earmarks Reign Supreme, Chaos in Congress, of Christmas and Ramadan

December 7, 2007: White House Christmas Party, Deadlines, Energy

December 3, 2007: Article I

November 16, 2007: Reagan 21, Earmarks, and Subprime

November 9, 2007: Headlines

November 2, 2007: The Least Productive Congress Ever?

October 26, 2007: Fires, Immigration, and Taxes

October 18, 2007: Just the Facts Ma'am

October 12, 2007: Of Casinos and Indian Tribes

October 1, 2007: United Nations Council on Human Relations

September 24, 2007: Update on Business in Washington

September 18. 2007: General Patraeus and Ambassador Crocker

September 10th. 2007: Subprime Mess

September 6th, 2007: Global Warming Blasphemy

June 5th, 2007: Senate Immigration Bill

May 10, 2007: Illegal Alien Security

May 9, 2007: Thought Crimes

May 8, 2007: Phayre's Leaf Monkeys

April 26, 2007: Standing Alone

April 10, 2007: Christmas in March

March 27, 2007: War Funding Bill

March 22, 2007: Largest Tax Increase Ever

March 19, 2007: Green Eyeshade Blog

March 14, 2007: American Taxpayer's Bill of Rights

March 7, 2007: New Worst Bill

February 28, 2007: More Bills

February 21, 2007: Bills, bills, bills

February 12, 2007: Border patrol agents and war resolutions

February 6, 2007: War resolutions and minimum wage

February 2, 2007: Congressional voting rights, new spending bill

January 26, 2007: State of the Union Recap

January 22, 2007: Special Update: State of the Union Preview

January 19, 2007: What to expect from Congress for the next two years

January 16, 2007: The First 100 Hours

January 10, 2007: Special Report: Iraq War

January 8, 2007: First two days of the 110th

January 2, 2007: New Year, New Congress

December 11, 2006: Iraq Study Group and other issues

November 29, 2006: Media Bias, Border Fence

November 20, 2006:Lame Duck Session, Tribute to Milton Friedman

November 13, 2006: Follow up on November 7th

November 3, 2006: War on Islamic Fascism, Energy

October 31, 2006: Illegal immigration, Budget and Taxes

October 24, 2006: North Korea, Military Chaplains, Deficit

October 5, 2006: Taxes

October 2, 2006: Last minute legislation

September 15, 2006: Multiple topics

August 31, 2006: Campbell's Earmarks

August 24, 2006: Constituent Coffee, Presidential Vetos

August 14, 2006: Terrorist Plots, Congressional activity

August 1, 2006: Death Tax/Minimum Wage

July 27, 2006: Constituent Questions

July 18, 2006: Special Report: Mid East conflict