We Will Never Forget


I know most of you will never forget where you were on September 11, 2001. I know I certainly won’t. That day has been permanently ingrained in the minds of Americans.  The attacks still resonate in the hearts and minds of Americans. But when we remember the 7th anniversary of that fateful day, I hope you take a moment to remember all those who were lost that day. Also take a moment to think of our sailors, soldiers, Coast Guardsmen, airmen, firefighters, police offices, and other first responders who have sacrificed themselves in the defense and preservation of our nation and freedom. This always reminds us of the importance of defending the Homeland and ensuring that terrorism will never strike on American soil again.

God Bless,

John Campbell


  • 09/08/2008 - Campbell Office Hours in Laguna Woods read more

  • 08/04/2008 - Campbell Office Hours in Laguna Woods read more

  • 07/16/2008 - Congressmen Campbell and Flake Announce Plans to Strike Any Earmarks for Rangel’s “Monument to Me” read more

  • 06/05/2008 - Campbell Office Hours in Laguna Woods read more

  • 05/13/2008 - Key Aide Chris Palmer Named Government Affairs ‘Volunteer of the Year’ by Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce read more


  • 09/11/2008 - GOP Elders to Nominate Leader for House Conservatives Group - Congressional Quarterly Today read more

  • 09/10/2008 - A Free Market Formula to Success - Club for Growth read more

  • 08/01/2008 - GOP talks energy in shuttered House - The Hill read more

  • 07/30/2008 - Conservatives to Push for Earmark Moratorium - Roll Call read more

  • 07/30/2008 - Veteran’s Spending Bill Could Break the Appropriations Ice on House Floor - Congressional Quarterly Today read more


  • 07/11/2008 - The Pelosi Premium, Not Worth it read more

  • 07/02/2008 - Rep. Campbell: Put brakes to out-of-control spending - OC Register read more

  • 01/04/2008 - EPA is right and California is Wrong read more

  • 11/14/2007 - Embracing Reagan's Legacy read more

  • 11/12/2007 - The Orange Grove: Another year of earmark abuses -- OCRegister read more

see all news >

Congressman John Campbell's Green Eyeshade blog

  • National Earmarks for Security - 09/12/2008
    It’s no secret that this Congress has had a problem passing appropriations bills on time. read

  • We Will Never Forget - 09/11/2008
    I know most of you will never forget where you were on September 11, 2001. read

  • Take a Bite Out of Your Paycheck - 09/11/2008
    Yesterday I blogged about the new CBO numbers on the deficit and the remarkable jump in the deficit figures. read

  • CBO Makes its Estimate - 09/09/2008
    Today, the Congressional Budget Office released its latest figures on the deficit, and they aren’t good. read

  • Spending Addiction - 08/19/2008
    According to a recently released report by Taxpayer’s for Common Sense (TCS), House members will receive $290 million more in earmarks this year, than in last. read

visit blog >

Laptop Report

Energy, Stimulus II, & Deficits - 9/12/08
As I have told you before, I do not expect much action on anything in Washington prior to the election unless it is something with a looming deadline. read

Reconvening - 8/28/08
Right now we are in the midst of the two weeks that comprise the quadrennial national conventions of both parties. These events will suck up all the political wind until the gavel falls to close the Republican convention in Minneapolis. Congress goes back into session on September 8th, which will begin a 3 week sprint until we go home again to campaign for the November elections. By the way, this is a normal recess date particularly during presidential election years.  read

Monuments to Me - 8/11/08
I coined this term last year while exposing House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D-NY) for requesting a $2 million earmark to go to the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at the City College of New York. read