Energy Independence

Energy Independence

Washington is broken, and the Majority party’s refusal to address soaring energy prices is a perfect example of why.  Two years ago, congressional Democrats promised the American people a “commonsense plan” to lower gas prices, but not only have they failed to offer any meaningful solutions, they’ve put forward policies that will have precisely the opposite effect.  As a result of their inaction, oil, gasoline and electricity prices are as high as they have ever been.

Once a nightmare scenario, $4 gasoline has become a harsh reality, and now Ohioans are paying more than $1.77 more per gallon at the pump than on the day Speaker Nancy Pelosi took office and Democrats took over the Majority in the U.S. House.  This Pelosi Premium is hitting working families at a time when they are confronting high costs of living, a slowing economy and a housing crunch.  This has to change.

I am committed to a comprehensive energy reform policy that will boost supplies of all forms of energy right here at home to reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy, protect us against blackmail by foreign dictators, create American jobs and grow our economy.  This includes increasing the supply of American-made energy in an environmentally sound way, improving energy efficiency and encouraging investment in groundbreaking research in advance alternative and renewable energy technologies.  With 21st Century technologies and the strictest environmental standards in the world, America must produce more of our own energy right here at home and protect our environment at the same time.  That’s the change America deserves.

To help ease the pain of the Pelosi Premium, House Republicans have also embraced short-term legislation that would suspend the 18.4-cents per gallon federal gas tax this summer and establish a corresponding freeze on all taxpayer-funded earmarks to ensure the Highway Trust Fund will not be impacted.  Savings from the earmark freeze also would be applied toward reducing the federal deficit.

House Republicans are working to deliver the change America deserves on gas prices with meaningful solutions that will make our nation more energy independent.  Here is how we will do it:

•    We will increase the production of American-made energy in an environmentally-safe way.  This includes the exploration of next generation oil, natural gas and coal, and the production of advanced alternative fuels like cellulosic and clean coal-to-liquids all the while protecting our natural resources for future generations.

•    We will promote new, clean and reliable sources of energy like advanced nuclear and next generation coal while promoting clean power from renewable energy such as wind and hydroelectric power.  Nuclear power has proven itself as a safe, carbon-free and environmentally friendly alternative, with France relying on it for nearly 80 percent of its electricity needs compared with just 19 percent in America.

•    We will cut red tape and increase the supply of American-made fuel and energy.  Limiting the construction of new oil refineries and increasing bureaucratic regulations mandating the use of exotic fuels have decreased supply and increased the Pelosi Premium.

•    We will encourage greater energy efficiency by offering conservation tax incentives to Americans who make their home, car and business more energy efficient.

Click here to read the Fact Check on "Use It or Lose It" claims
regarding oil and natural gas drilling.

Click here to read a letter from Willard R. Green, president of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, an independent, international geosciences organization devoted to advancing the science of geology, fostering scientific research, and promoting technology about "Use It or Lose It."

Related Documents:

Weekly Column - A Time for Bold Reform, Not Half-Baked Ideas Meant to Provide Political Cover 9.15.2008

Press Release - Boehner Welcomes House Democrats Back to Work, Calls for “All of the Above” Energy Vote 9.9.2008

Weekly Column - ASK BOEHNER: Will Congress Vote to Allow Drilling When It Reconvenes in September? 8.22.2008

Weekly Column - Giving Parents, Students, and School Officials a Voice in the American Energy Debate 8.15.2008

Weekly Column - American Energy Act Will Promote Use of Alternative & Renewable Fuels 8.12.2008

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