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March 3, 1999
Hawaii would receive $50 million in school modernization tax credits and $7 million to support 178 teachers in fiscal year 2000 under legislation sponsored by United States Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D - Hawaii). The quality education initiative is part of the Families First 1999 Democratic Agenda unveiled today by Senate and House Democrats, President Clinton, and Vice President Gore. The education package would provide states and school districts federal tax credits to renovate public schools and reduce overcrowding; fund the hiring of 38,000 teachers toward the goal of hiring 100,000 new teachers; and ensure that accountability measures, teacher training and recruitment, and state-of-the-art educational technologies are implemented to ensure every student a quality education.

"The classroom should be a nurturing place where students want to be," said Akaka. "Unfortunately, many students don't get the most out of school. Classes that are too large and teachers who are overwhelmed dampen a student's enthusiasm to learn. This is the concern I hear most often from students, parents, and teachers. By giving states the funds to hire additional qualified teachers and improve facilities, this initiative aims to give each child a better opportunity to learn every day."

Under legislation passed last year, Hawaii will receive $5.6 million for teacher class size reduction in 1999. This new initiative funds the next installment in a seven-year, $12.4 billion proposal to hire 100,000 new teachers nationally. Hawaii's share in FY 2000 would reach $7 million. The school modernization initiative would implement President Clinton's plan to provide $25 billion in federal tax credits in lieu of interest on bonds used to build and repair our nation's public schools. Hawaii would be eligible for credits to support $50 million in school modernization.

"Hawaii will benefit from this class-size initiative this year because we secured a $1.2 billion downpayment for new teacher hires last October," Akaka noted. "These funds will allow communities across the country to hire 30,000 new teachers. The measure I am supporting continues this initiative and helps us reach our goal of placing 100,000 trained teachers in America's classrooms over the next seven years."

Year: 2008 , 2007 , 2006 , 2005 , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 , [1999] , 1900

March 1999

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