United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander Home Print View Text Only Text Size Small Medium Large United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
“Be proud to say that we are all Americans." – Lamar Alexander

Recent YouTube Videos  View By Month & Year 
August 2008
13th - Alexander Discusses the Conflict in Georgia
8th - Alexander Says We Must Find Best Way to Address High Gas and Energy Costs  
6th - Alexander on NBC Nashville  
6th - Alexander Tells Nashville Food Bank He Voted Against Congress Going Home Without Dealing With $4 Gas Prices  
5th - Alexander Tells Knoxville Produce Company That Congress Shouldn’t Have Gone Home Without Dealing With $4 Per Gallon Gas Prices  
5th - Senator Alexander on NBC Knoxville  
June 2008
4th - Part Two: Alexander Speaks on Floor About Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act  
4th - Part One: Alexander Speaks on Floor About Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act  
May 2008
28th - Alexander Takes to the Stage at Memphis in May--Sunset Symphony  
13th - Alexander Offers Amendment to Stop Unfunded Federal Mandates on Local Communities  

Recent Video Files  View By Month & Year 
July 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 26th - Senator Lamar Alexander Floor Remarks on Gas Prices
alexander_jul26.ram - | 6.3 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 26th - Senator Lamar Alexander Expresses Support for Senator Tom Coburn
coburn_jul26_alexander.ram - | 6.3 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 25th - Senator Lamar Alexander Colloquy from Senate Floor on Gas Prices
alexander_jul5.ram - | 5.7 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 24th - Senator Lamar Alexander Leads Collequy on Energy With Republican Colleagues
alexander_jul24.ram - | 4.6 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 23rd - Senator Lamar Alexander Floor Speech on Gas Prices: "Find More Use Less"
alexander_jul23.ram - | 3.2 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 16th - Senator Lamar Alexander Floor Speech on Find More Use Less
alexander_jul16.ram - | 5.9 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 16th - Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker, Sheriff Hall Discuss Immigration Judge Coming to Nashville
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United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 16th - Senator Lamar Alexander Floor Speech on "Finding More and Using Less"
alexander_jul161.ram - | 5.9 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 15th - Senator Lamar Alexander Remarks on VW Announcement in Chattanooga
alexander_vw_jul15.ram - | 5.1 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 10th - Senator Lamar Alexander Welcomes Mayor Dean to Alliance for Excellent Education Meeting
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June 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 26th - Senator Lamar Alexander on Republicans Gas Price Legislation
alexander_jun26.ram - | 6.9 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 4th - Senator Lamar Alexander Floor Remarks on The Climate Security Bill
alexander_jun4.ram - | 7.7 MBs | quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 3rd - Senator Lamar Alexander Press Conference on Climate Tax Bill
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May 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 1st - Senator Lamar Alexander on TVA Nominees Held Up by Senate Majority Leader Inaction
alexander_may1.ram - | 4.2 MBs | quality
April 2008
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 29th - Senator Lamar Alexander Calls for a New Manhattan Project for Clean Energy Independence
alexander_apr29.ram - | 1.4 MBs | quality

Recent Audio Files  View by Month & Year 
January 2007
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 18th - Senator Alexander on Border Security
alexanderborder01_18_07.mp3 - 1:20 | 778.6 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 23rd - State Of The Union Reaction
alexanderpostSOTU01_23_07.mp3 - | 463.3 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 25th - Senator Alexander on fiscal responsiblity
alexanderfiscal01_24_071.mp3 - | 954.1 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 26th - Senator Alexander on Small Buisness and the Minimum Wage
alexanderminwage01_26_07.mp3 - | 285.2 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 30th - Senator Alexander comments on global climate change
alexanderclimate01_30_07.mp3 - | 1.3 MBs | Studio quality
February 2007
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 9th - Senator Alexander advocates the Teacher Incentive Fund
alexandereducation02_09_07.mp3 - 1:30 | 755.6 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 12th - Senator Alexander On The Reauthorization Of Head Start
alexanderheadstart2_12_07.mp3 - 2:11 | 1.3 MBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 14th - Senator Alexander on the Teacher Incentive Fund
alexanderincentivefund02_14_07.mp3 - 2:00 | 1.2 MBs | Studio quality
March 2007
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 1st - Senator Alexander comments on Real ID Act
alexanderrealID03_01_07.mp3 - 1:30 | 852.6 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 14th - Senator Alexander on Iraq
alexanderiraq03_14_07.mp3 - 2:00 | 1.1 MBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 28th - The Road To Nowhere
alexanderroad3_28_07.mp3 - 45 seconds | 445.1 KBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 29th - Senator Alexander commenst on Billboard Amnesty
alexanderbillbaord03_29_07.mp3 - 1:30 | 866.3 KBs | Studio quality
April 2007
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 17th - Senator Alexander praises the new Citizen Alamanac
alexanderamerican.mp3 - | 1.3 MBs | Studio quality
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 20th - Alexander on the America Competes Act
alexandercompetes04_2007.mp3 - | 1.3 MBs | Studio quality
May 2007
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander 1st - Tennessee Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander today challenged each other to a walking competition to promote healthy living.
corkeralexanderwalking05_01_07.mp3 - 3:00 | 1.6 MBs | Studio quality
Office of Senator Alexander
SD-455 / Washington, DC 20510
Voice: (202) 224-4944
Fax: (202) 228-3398
State Offices
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Pursuant to Senate policy, newsletters, petitions, opinion polls and issue alerts and other electronic communications cannot be initiated by this office for the 60 day period immediately before the date of a primary or general election.