United States Senate Special Committee on Aging


09/11/08   1-800 Medicare: It's Time for a Check-Up
07/31/08   Aging in Rural America: Preserving Seniors' Access to Health Care
07/23/08   Person-Centered Care: Reforming Services and Bringing Older Citizens Back to the Heart of Society
07/16/08   Saving Smartly for Retirement: Are Americans Being Encouraged To Break Open The Piggy Bank?
06/30/08   Field Hearing: What Seniors Don't Know Before They Enroll - Aggressive Sales of MA Plans in Missouri
06/18/08   S.2838, the Fairness in Nursing Home Arbitration Act
05/22/08   Seniors at Risk: Improving Medicare for Our Most Vulnerable
05/14/08   The Future of Alzheimer's: Breakthroughs and Challenges
04/30/08   Leading By Example: Making Government A Role Model For Hiring And Retaining Older Workers
04/16/08   Caring For Our Seniors: How Can We Support Those On The Frontlines?
04/03/08   Scrambling for Health Insurance Coverage: Health Security for People in Late Middle Age
03/12/08   Under the Influence: Can We Provide Doctors An Alternative To Biased Drug Reviews?
03/05/08   Seniors Going Hungry in America: A Call to Action and Warning for the Future
02/27/08   Surgeons for Sale: Conflicts and Consultant Payments in the Medical Device Industry<
02/13/08   Foreclosure Aftermath: Preying on Senior Homeowners
01/31/08   Older Voters: Opportunities and Challenges in the 2008 Elections


12/12/07   Reverse Mortgages: Polishing Not Tarnishing The Golden Years
12/05/07   Forced to Flee: Caring for the Elderly Displaced by War, Poverty and Persecution Abroad
11/15/07   Nursing Home Transparency and Improvement
10/24/07   Hidden: 401(k) Fees: How Disclosure Can Increase Retirement Security
10/03/07   Veterans' Health: Ensuring Care for our Aging Heroes
09/19/07   Preparing For The Digital Television Transition: Will Seniors Be Left In The Dark?
09/05/07   Advising Seniors About Their Money: Who Is Qualified - and Who Is Not?
07/18/07   Listening Session: Abuse Of Our Elders: How We Can Stop It
06/27/07   Paid to Prescribe?: Exploring the Relationship Between Doctors and the Drug Industry
06/21/07   Harvest Over The Horizon: The Challenge of Aging in Agriculture
05/16/07   Medicare Advantage Marketing & Sales: Who Has The Advantage?
05/09/07   The Future of Medicare: Recognizing the Need for Chronic Care Coordination
05/02/07   The Nursing Home Reform Act Turns Twenty: What Has Been Accomplished, and What Challenges Remain
04/19/07   Bioidentical Hormones: Sound Science or Bad Medicine?
03/28/07   Preserving "SeniorCare": Affordable Drug Coverage That Works for Wisconsin
02/28/07   The Aging Workforce: What Does It Mean For Businesses And The Economy?
02/15/07   Boomers and the Budget: What Does it Mean for America's Seniors?
01/31/07   Medicare Part D: Is It Working For Low-Income Seniors?



09/21/06   Increase Generic Drug Use: Savings for Seniors and Medicare
09/14/06   Generation at Risk: Breaking the Cycle of Senior Suicide
09/13/06   Roundtable: Securing Medicaid's Future: Spotlight on Managed Care
09/07/06   Exploitation of Seniors: America's Ailing Guardianship System
07/27/06   At Home DNA Tests: Marketing Scam or Medical Breakthrough?
07/20/06   The Generic Drug Maze: Speeding Access to Affordable, Life Saving Drugs
07/13/06   From Medicaid to Retiree Benefits: How Seniors Impact America's Health Care Costs
06/27/06   The Globalization of Health Care: Can Medical Tourism Reduce Health Care Costs?
06/21/06   Managing Retirement Assets: Ensuring Seniors Don't Outlive Their Savings
05/25/06   Preparing For Pandemic Flu
05/18/06   Caring for Seniors in a National Emergency: Can We Do Better?
05/03/06   Innovation in the Aging Network: The Future of Social Services for Older Americans
04/06/06   Employment and Community Service for Low Income Seniors: Are We Getting The Job Done?
03/29/06   Not Born Yesterday: How Seniors Can Stop Investment Fraud
03/15/06   Bridging the Gender Gap: Eliminating Retirement Income Disparity for Women
03/09/06   Long-Term Care Financing: Are Americans Prepared
02/02/06   Meeting the Challenges of Medicare Drug Benefit Implementation