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Taxpayers Save with Congressman Lampson's Travel Abuse Prevention Amendment

Washington, D.C.
October 30, 2007

The federal government spent $230 million on first and business class travel from 2005 to 2006 according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Over half, $146 million, was spent on improper travel government wide.  

Rep. Nick Lampson, D-Stafford, successfully passed the Travel Abuse Prevention Amendment (TAPA) today that will curb wasteful spending practices of federal agencies by improving guidelines for premium travel by Small Business Administration employees.   The legislation follows a GAO report that illuminates failings by agencies to follow federal guidelines. 
“Ending reckless spending is essential to regaining the trust of American citizens and restoring fiscal responsibility,” said Rep. Nick Lampson. “When we allow irresponsible fiscal practices to continue in our government, we set a bad example for our nation and create a reckless blueprint for future spending.”
This amendment passed within the Small Business Contracting Program Improvements Act, H.R. 3867. It offers a direct method of guidance by referencing the sections of the Code of Federal Regulations related to premium travel for federal employees. 
As part of his effort to eradicate waste and abuse related to government travel, Rep. Lampson earlier this year introduced a similar amendment applying to Department of Commerce employees. That legislation passed the House with bipartisan support as part of the Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill.
Rep. Lampson went on to say, “TAPA provides a very simple solution that will save taxpayers’ dollars and reassert good government practices.”