Robert P. Casey Jr.

United States Senator for Pennsylvania

Senator Casey's Legislation

The following is a list of legislation I have sponsored in the Congress:

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S. 1688 » A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to extend the time limit for the use of education assistance by members of the Selected Reserve and members of the reserve component supporting contingency operations and certain other operations. 06/25/07
S. 1374 » A bill to assist States in making voluntary high quality full-day prekindergarten programs available and economically affordable for the families of all children for at least 1 year preceding kindergarten. 05/11/07
S. 1238 » A bill to repeal certain provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, close tax loopholes, impose windfall profits tax on major integrated oil companies, provide a reserve fund for biofuels research and infrastructure, and payments for low-income households. 04/26/07
S. Res. 166 » A resolution commemorating the lifetime achievement of the Reverend Leon H. Sullivan. 04/23/07
S. 1179 » A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the financing for Superfund for purposes of cleanup activities with respect to those Superfund sites for which removal and remedial action is estimated to cost more than $50,000,000, and for other purposes. 04/20/07
S. Res. 114 » A resolution recognizing the contributions of agricultural producers in Pennsylvania and throughout the Nation on the occasion of National Agriculture Day. 03/28/07
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