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» Republicans Not Entitled to Their Own Set of Facts, September 11, 2008
The story goes that the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) was in a heated argument with one of his colleagues. After 10 minutes or so, the other Senator threw up his hands and said, “You may disagree with me, but I’m entitled to my own opinions.”
» Breaking the Congressional Deadlock, September 02, 2008
I'd submit that this Congress, led by a new Democratic majority, belongs in the second category, the category of real and lasting accomplishment. Far from being the victim of deadlock, we are breaking decades-old logjams with regularity.
» Unimpaired Rights, July 06, 2008
THE AMERICANS With Disabilities Act (ADA), passed in 1990, was supposed to level the playing field for the disabled. It ended up helping some more than others.
» Hoyer, Blunt: Friends Over All, June 23, 2008
Each week when Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) deliver a colloquy on the House floor, both seem to relish the gentlemanly discussion of the schedule for upcoming legislative business.
» A Better Surveillance Law, June 20, 2008
CONGRESSIONAL leaders of both parties should be commended for drafting legislation that brings the country's surveillance laws into the 21st century while protecting civil liberties and preserving important national security prerogatives. The bill is scheduled to be voted on today in the House, and it deserves to pass.
» GOP Offers Same Drilling Drivel, June 16, 2008
As the price of gas sets a new record seemingly every week, I wish the president had something else to offer Americans, people like the truckers being driven out of business by the cost of diesel or the dozens of high school students forced to bike 10 miles to school and back in Eclectic, Ala.
» Ready for Real Change, May 02, 2008
Settling in across from Steny Hoyer in his Capitol office, I tell the Maryland Democrat he'd "really make my day" if he'd use this interview to finally endorse Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama for president.
» Rescue Plan Leads Housing Package, May 02, 2008
A plan to rescue hundreds of thousands of homeowners at risk of foreclosure began moving through Congress yesterday, as lawmakers worked to shape an aggressive response to the nation's housing crisis.
» More Republicans back Democrats' housing rescue, April 29, 2008
The Democrats' housing rescue plan is picking up converts among Republicans who are shrugging off White House objections after getting an earful from voters struggling to stave off foreclosure.
» Housing Sense in Congress?, April 21, 2008
Presidential candidates insist that Washington needs fixing, and we in the commentariat love to expose hypocrisy, pork-barreling and gridlock. So it feels awkward to admit the truth about the subprime meltdown. First Congress produced a timely and well-crafted stimulus. Now it is working on proposals to help homeowners, and with one ugly exception, the recommendations are sound.
» Hoyer earns trust with House GOP, April 18, 2008
Hoyer’s credibility among Republicans and conservative Democrats has served as a valuable asset to the Democratic leadership and placed him in the middle of this year’s biggest policy debates.
» House Democrats Reject Telecom Immunity, March 11, 2008
Locked in a standoff with the White House, House Democrats on Tuesday maintained their refusal to shield from civil lawsuits telecommunications companies that helped the government eavesdrop on their customers without a secret court's permission.
» Scare Tactics and Our Surveillance Bill, February 25, 2008
Nothing is more important to the American people than our safety and our freedom. As the chairmen of the House and Senate intelligence and judiciary committees, we have an enormous responsibility to protect both.
» Time for Legislating, February 14, 2008
President Bush should allow Congress to fine-tune legislation on surveillance.
» Denying Children, October 26, 2007
The House approved a revised bill to finance the children’s health insurance program yesterday by a 265-to-142 margin — a strong mandate, but still not enough to overcome another promised veto by President Bush.
» Another $200 Billion, October 25, 2007
President Bush waited until he had vetoed a relatively inexpensive children’s health insurance bill before asking for tens of billions of dollars more for his misadventure in Iraq.
» Daring Bush to Veto, October 18, 2007
The GOP has had a rough month.
» Surveillance Update, October 14, 2007
The House is poised this week to take up a carefully crafted revision to the law that addresses the administration's valid complaint about the old statute: that because of technological changes in international communications, intelligence agencies were being required to go through the time-consuming process of obtaining court orders to eavesdrop on foreign targets.
» Bush's chance to RESTORE credibility, October 13, 2007
This week, two House committees made good on a Democratic promise to approve new privacy protections for Americans innocently caught up in the eavesdropping on suspected terrorists by the National Security Agency.
» Democrats Gain Ground in Fights Over Budget, SCHIP, September 27, 2007
Congressional Democrats hold the political high ground in their battles with President Bush over the budget and children’s health — and plan to press their advantage to the hilt.
» Longest-serving Md. congressman, June 05, 2007
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, already the highest-ranking congressman in Maryland history, became the longest-serving yesterday.
» Promoting public transit for energy independence, May 10, 2007
It is clear to all Americans that our nation has significant transportation needs that are driving our ever-expanding appetite for energy, and correspondingly, our over-reliance on petroleum products and foreign sources of oil.
» Lawmakers warn China of PR "disaster" in Darfur, May 09, 2007
More than 100 U.S. lawmakers sent China's President Hu Jintao a letter on Wednesday warning of "disaster" for the 2008 Olympic Games if Beijing fails to do more to stop carnage in Chinese ally Sudan's Darfur region.
» Sweet!, May 05, 2007
He's moved into some of the choicest real estate in the U.S. Capitol, all crystal chandeliers and gilt-framed mirrors a stone's throw from the rotunda.
» The House Leadership's Snake Charmer, May 01, 2007
He's 15 minutes late, but it hardly matters. In 15 seconds, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer will have a room full of hard-boiled political reporters giggling like schoolchildren.


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