United States Senator
Orrin G. Hatch
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Senior Citizens and Social Security
Social Security is vital to the quality of life of our senior citizens. More than 60 percent of America’s seniors depend on Social Security for a majority of their income. Current and future retirees, after years of hard work, deserve financial security and the assurance of a viable Social Security system far into the future.

While Social Security is safe and solvent today, increasing life expectancies and other demographic and employment factors will eventually bankrupt the program unless we enact significant reform. I believe that Congress, the President, and the American people must carefully examine alternatives to put Social Security on a path to long-term viability, and quickly act to ensure the retirement security of today’s and tomorrow’s retirees.

As the ranking Republican member of the Senate Finance Committee, I am committed to ensuring that Social Security, along with Medicare and Medicaid, meet the current needs of their beneficiaries.

Related Press Releases
09/10/2008 Hatch's Elder Justice Act Unanimously Passes Senate Finance Committee
05/15/2008 Hatch Announces the 2008 Conference for Seniors
03/13/2008 Hatch Proposal Protects Medicare Beneficiaries
02/21/2008 Finance Leaders Aim to Help Seniors Seeking Additional Coverage from Medicare Drug Benefit Plans
04/17/2007 Medicare Bill a Trojan Horse with Formulary Inside, Hatch Says
03/30/2007 Bipartisan Coalition Fighting for Elder Justice
03/16/2007 Hatch Announces the 2007 Conference for Seniors
08/03/2006 Hatch
11/15/2005 Hatch Introduces Bill to Combat Elder Abuse
09/24/2003 Judiciary Subcommittee Statement: "Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation: Are We Doing Enough?"
02/10/2003 Hatch Introduces Elder Justice Act

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