U.S. Congressman Buck McKeon - 25th District of California Sign up for email Newsletters
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It is a great honor to be able to represent the people of California's 25th District.  This website not only allows me to listen to what you have to say, it is also intended to be a resource for YOU.  That is why I have provided links to numerous organizations and agencies throughout the government, contact information for my Washington and district offices, and tips to help you when you visit our nation's capital.  Let my website be your gateway to Washington, and as always, never hesitate to let me know what's on your mind. Buck McKeon Signature
In Focus and Issues
Photo of Congressman MeKeon standing before a microphone discussing the Soledad Canyon Mine ActCongressman Buck McKeon introduces the Soledad Canyon Mine Act (H.R. 5887), a "win-win-win" solution for all.  » read more

bristlecone flowersUpdated Eastern Sierra Maps

Links to Detailed maps and information related to H.R. 6156 - Eastern Sierra and San Gabriel Wild Heritage Act


How to Receive Your Stimulus Check

9/11/2008 -  McKeon Testifies in Support of Eastern Sierra and Northern San Gabriel Mountains Wild Heritage Act

9/10/2008 -  McKeon Statement on the Seventh Anniversary of the September 11th Terrorist Attacks

9/9/2008 -  McKeon: Democrats’ Latest Energy Plan Just More of the Same; Congressional Democrats Plan to Permanently Block Access to 80 Percent of America’s Offshore Energy Resources

9/5/2008 -  McKeon Statement on Destruction of the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest Visitor Center

8/18/2008 -  McKeon: Democrats’ Rhetoric No Substitute for Action on Energy Reform

8/14/2008 -  McKeon Touts New Law to Address College Costs; President Signs the Higher Education Opportunity Act

8/8/2008 -  McKeon Announces SBA Loan Assistance for Families and Businesses Affected by Recent Flash Floods

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foreclosuresOwning a home has always been at the center of the American dream. For many homeowners, however, that dream is threatened by foreclosure. If you and your family are finding it difficult to make your mortgage payments, please click on the link provided for helpful tips and steps you can take to stay in your home. >>>www.hud.gov
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How Congress Works

 Washington, D.C. Office
Congressman Howard P. Buck McKeon U.S. House of Representatives
2351 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
ph: (202) 225-1956
fax: (202) 226-0683
 Santa Clarita Office
Congressman Howard P. Buck McKeon 26650 The Old Road
Suite 203

Santa Clarita, CA 91381
ph: (661) 254-2111
fax: (661) 254-2380
 Palmdale Office
Congressman Howard P. Buck McKeon 1008 W. Ave M-14
Suite E-1

Palmdale, CA 93551
ph: (661) 274-9688
fax: (661) 274-8744

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