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No Immunity for Telecom Companies
Friday, 14 March 2008
Mr. Speaker, over the past few months, we've had a lot of back and forth on this issue. For those who have been at the table, I want to express my appreciation for your hard work and the quality of your debate. I am proud of the fortitude displayed by the Speaker and the Intelligence Committee during this process: There will be no blanket immunity for telecom companies, there will be a two-year sunset, and there will be a commission to thoroughly investigate this administration's shameful wiretapping program.
    For the past seven years I have been highly critical of Republican wiretapping legislation. I have voted against past efforts to expand the ability of this administration to intrude in the lives and privacy of innocent citizens. Most recently, I supported the expiration of the Protect America Act because I am confident that the dedicated members of the intelligence community do not need to violate the rights of Americans in order to protect them.
    The bill before us will not solve every potential abuse of FISA, but it does provide stronger legal protections for Americans and introduces a measure of oversight. As this issue continues to play out into the future, it is my hope that our next steps will include even stronger protections for innocent Americans, clearer legal standards for FISA to judge surveillance procedures, and explicit requirements for the destruction of unnecessary data.
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