United States Senator
Orrin G. Hatch
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Economy and Taxes
I have worked hard to make permanent the president’s 2001 and 2003 tax cuts that helped us climb out of the recession and contribute to the high economic growth rate we currently enjoy. However, we must do more to ensure a strong and healthy economy: a reduced regulatory burden, continued tax incentives for savings and investment, and a government that does not spend beyond its means are all important goals of mine.

The current tax system is a major impediment that needs to be addressed soon: it is simply too complicated and burdensome in its current form. I believe we need to have a complete overhaul of our tax system, one that would simplify the code, encourage savings and investment, and provide more money for working families. Lower taxes mean more money in the pockets of Utahns, who know how to spend their money much better than the federal government. I will continue to support tax cuts for all Americans.

I believe the biggest threat to a strong economy and a balanced budget is not cutting taxes, but uncontrolled government spending. As I have throughout my career, I will continue to fight to keep spending down and promote fiscally responsible government.

Related Press Releases
08/01/2008 Hatch: Democrats Are Taking Nation in the Wrong Direction
07/30/2008 Hatch Urges Senate to Extend the Research Tax Credit
07/11/2008 Hatch Bill Provides Tax Relief for State-Chartered Banks
04/14/2008 Expired Temporary Tax Provisions Leave U.S. Taxpayers and Businesses in Limbo
04/10/2008 REIT Amendment Helps Investors Build Communities, Hatch says
02/29/2008 Floor Speech on the Foreclosure Prevention Act: "We Should Not Elevate Politics Above Solutions"
02/05/2008 Hatch: Congress Must Make Bush Tax Cuts Permanent to Keep Economy on Target
12/14/2007 Floor Speech: On the Grassley Amendment to the Farm Bill
12/07/2007 Senate Passes AMT Fix
12/06/2007 Congress Needs to "Get Down to the Real Business of Fixing This AMT"
12/05/2007 Hatch: We Need to Extend the R and D Tax Credit
11/16/2007 Floor Speech: Resolve the Crisis of the AMT
11/14/2007 Floor Statement: Support the Mortgage Cancellation Relief Act
10/30/2007 Hatch Defends Nord
10/26/2007 Hatch: Fix Tax Inequity to Help Self-Employed Afford Health Insurance
10/19/2007 Senators Aim to Extend, Expand Tax Credit for R&D
04/17/2007 Hatch: Americans Suffering from Tax Overload
03/29/2007 Hatch Blasts Kennedy So-Called Employee Free Choice Act
03/26/2007 Floor Statement: Refuse the So-Called Employee Free Choice Act
03/06/2007 Hatch: TSA Collective Bargaining Would Be A Gift To Al-Qaeda
02/01/2007 Senate Passes Tax Relief for Utah Small Businesses

Other Important Issues
 Be Prepared for the Transition to Digital TV!
 Budget and Appropriations
 Defense and Veterans
 Environment and Agriculture
 Focus on Utah
 Foreign Policy and Trade
 Homeland Security
 Immigration and Border Security
 Intellectual Property & Antitrust
 Judicial Nominations
 Labor and Transportation
 Nuclear Issues
 Senior Citizens and Social Security