United States Senator
Orrin G. Hatch
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Judicial Nominations
I strongly believe it is in the best interest of the American people to expedite the judicial confirmations process and resolve our long-standing judicial vacancy crisis. Federal judges are important in preserving our constitutional rights and ensuring Americans have access to an independent judiciary. I believe judicial nominees should be evaluated based on judicial temperament, integrity, intelligence, and experience.

Unfortunately, a few partisan Senators have politicized the judicial confirmation process with the use of unprecedented filibusters against President Bush’s judicial nominations. I am working very hard to end this obstructionism, repair the broken judicial nomination process, and stop the current tyranny of the minority.

Related Press Releases
06/25/2008 Hatch Votes to Confirm Judge Helene White Despite Reservations
06/20/2008 Hatch Pays Tribute to Outgoing Solicitor General Paul Clement
05/23/2008 Demos Reneged on Pledge to Confirm Appeals Court Nominees, Hatch Says
05/01/2008 Sen. Hatch Hails Waddoups' Nomination to Federal Bench in Utah
04/16/2008 Floor Speech: Time to Quit Stalling on Confirming Judicial Nominees
04/10/2008 Hatch Upbraids Democrats for Sandbagging Judicial Nominees
04/01/2008 Hatch Rebukes Senate Democrats for Failing to Move Forward With Judicial Nominees
03/11/2008 Committee Statement: On the nomination of Grace Chung Becker
11/15/2007 DOJ Needs Leadership, Nominees Deserve Fairness
11/09/2007 Hatch: Mukasey Will Be An Independent Attorney General
11/06/2007 Committee Statement: Confirm Judge Mukasey
11/06/2007 Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Judge Mukasey
10/24/2007 Floor Statement: Southwick Confirmation
10/17/2007 Hatch Participates in Mukasey AG Hearing
09/21/2007 Floor Speech: Regarding Judge Mukasey and other nominations
09/17/2007 Attorney General Confirmation Should Not Be About Political Games
09/05/2007 Hatch: Senate should confirm Southwick without delay
08/27/2007 Hatch Reacts to Resignation of Alberto Gonzales
06/11/2007 Gonzales Resolution Is Political
09/26/2006 Hatch Honors 20 Years of Justice Antonin Scalia
07/20/2005 Floor Statement: "Nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court of the United States"

Other Important Issues
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