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Bono Votes to Prevent Illegal Immigration and Bolster Border Security
Dec 16, 2005  -  In a move to prevent illegal immigration by bolstering border security efforts and interior immigration enforcement, Congresswoman Mary Bono (CA-45) voted today in favor of H.R. 4437, the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. "The stark reality is t... More

Congresswoman Bono Votes to Renew Commitment to War on Terror
Dec 16, 2005  - Congresswoman Mary Bono (CA-45) voted today in favor of the conference report on H.R. 3199, the USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2005. “While strengthening protections for our civil liberties, the USA PATRIOT Act reauthorization ensures that our law enforcement personn... More

Editorial: The 9/11 Commission
Dec 11, 2005  -  "In the decade before September 11, 2001, border security-encompassing travel, entry, and immigration-was not seen as a national security matter....The immigration system as a whole was widely viewed as increasingly dysfunctional and badly in need of reform. In national security circles, howev... More

Bono Delivers Funds to Palm Springs International Airport and Several Local Projects
Nov 18, 2005  - Congresswoman Mary Bono (CA-45) is pleased to announce the passage today of the Conference Report for a comprehensive Fiscal Year 2006 appropriations package including Transportation and Housing and Urban Development funds. The final appropriation bill includes funding for several local projects fou... More

Bono Places Landmark Vote to Decrease the Federal Deficit
Nov 18, 2005  - In a move to reform federal government entitlement spending and reduce the deficit, Congresswoman Mary Bono (CA-45) voted in favor of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. The bill works to find savings in the federal budget by cutting wasteful spending, reducing bureaucracy, encouraging responsible he... More

Bono Introduces Legislation to Restore Country-Of-Origin-Labeling
Nov 17, 2005  - Congresswomen Mary Bono (R-CA), along with her colleague Darlene Hooley (D-OR), introduced legislation today to reinstate the mandatory Country-Of-Origin-Labeling (COOL) deadline for fresh produce and meat products. This legislation would repeal the two year delay provision included in the recently ... More

Statement of Congresswoman Bono on "Fair Use"
Nov 16, 2005  -  The following is a statement from Congresswoman Mary Bono (CA-45) made during the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection's hearing today titled, "Fair Use: Its Effects on Consumers and Industry." "Mr. Chairman, thank you for holding this hearing today. We are all very ... More

Bono Applauds TRUSTe's Trusted Download Certification Beta Program
Nov 16, 2005  - The following is a statement from Congresswoman Mary Bono (CA-45) commending TRUSTe, and its partners; Yahoo, AOL, CNET, Verizon and Computer Associates for their efforts to address the growing threats of internet spyware. "As this nation continues to push towards a global e-commerce marketplace... More

Bono Honored by the Women's High-Tech Coalition
Nov 16, 2005  - The Women’s High-Tech Coalition, a national professional organization that connects women leaders in technology with their counterparts in the public sector, honored Congresswoman Mary Bono (CA-45) today with the “2004 Annual Women in Cyber Security Award.” Congresswoman Bono was recognized for her ... More

Bono Secures Funding for Local Projects
Nov 9, 2005  -  In a move to ensure funding to several critical local projects, Congresswoman Mary Bono (CA-45) voted in favor of two Conference Reports for Fiscal Year 2006 Appropriations Acts. The Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act provides a total of $30.5 billion in budget authority for t... More

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