News Item

Contact: Michael Steel 202-225-3361

Congressman Paul Ryan's Remarks Seconding the Nomination of Shadegg for Majority Leader

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Washington, Feb 2, 2006 -

This is my 8th year here, and I’ve often heard people say about some vote or position that, “This could cost us the majority.” Well, I never really put much stock into those comments. I never thought we were in any real danger as a majority. Not this time.

Friends, we are in trouble. If you come from a red state or a safe seat, you probably don’t see it yet. But if you come from a blue state and a tough district, that moment is here. Don’t take my word for it.

A poll was done last weekend in our 25 most vulnerable districts, and trust me it doesn’t look good.

If these were normal circumstances, and this was a typical inside baseball election, this vote wouldn’t matter beyond the beltway. But it does.

America is looking to see if we get it or not. Frankly, it’s not fair to some of the candidates, but it is reality. The question is: Are we going to reform and change or are we the party of the status quo that the public has become fed up with.

I want to ask each of you this: Why are you making the decision you are about to make? Are you going with the guy who got to you first? Are you voting for the man who did you a favor? - who was nice to you? Or did you decide to just stick with the winner so-to-speak?

Those aren’t reasons – they’re excuses. I, for one, want to put my head on my pillow tonight feeling in my heart that I did the right thing for the Republican majority. That I voted for the kind of change my constituents are demanding.

We have in the man of John Shadegg that spirit of ’94, that signal to our supporters that we hear them. A vote for John Shadegg is a vote telling the American people that we are who we say we are.

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